Oh no!

  • 63 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone

Just wanted to let you know what happened to me earlier today.

It's a usual Tuesday morning, my wife and son leave for work about 8.15am, and just me and the dog left. It was a horrible morning, wind howling and  rain falling incessantly. No point getting up and freezing with no heating on, I'll be going to the MacMillan exercise class about 12. I'll stay in bed.

About 11.00am the doorbell rang and I made my way slowly up the hall turned left and there's a Yodel van and the driver standing with a large box. Now I'm wearing pyjamas and a pair of socks. So I open the inside door into the porch, squeeze my way into the porch, keeping the dog in the hall and closed the door behind me, opened the front door and signed the delivery guy's pad, thanked him, closed the front door and turned around to open the inside door.

It's locked! It's locked! Am I sure? Tried it again and yes, it's definitely locked! OMG. Ok, what now? I have no keys hidden anywhere. Right! Think, think! My wife and son both work in Comber, about 8 miles away. My mother in law lives over the hill from me about ½ mile away, and my brother in law, Peter also over the hill, just, but Peter, he's at work in Belfast. I need to ring my wife to get her to come home and let me in which is why I'm going to my mother in law's, aged 95, to use her phone. 

Well, it's still raining and quite breezy and I have no choice but to try to make it to her house, in my pyjamas and socks. Remember, I'm a wheelchair user, however I can walk a little but then the pain, in shovelfuls, kicks in. I had to rest against trees, hang on to gates and branches. Not one car passed me, although I'm not sure a driver would have stopped for a rain soaked, bent over man, his face contorted with pain. I wouldn't. All the time I was thinking, "neutropenic, neutrophils, neutropenia, death of cold, death FROM cold". I was freezing and starting to get a little numb.

I had just gone over the crest of the hill and my brother in law came round the side of his house to the roadside. I shouted "Peter, Peter" and he stopped in his tracks, turned around and a look of disbelief came over his face. He told me later that when he saw me walking towards him, water dripping off my face, wearing just pyjamas and socks which were dripping wet, well, you can guess the rest. In hope he asked "Locked out?" and I could only nod!

He brought me into the house, gave me clean dry socks and drove me to Comber, picked up my son's keys and drove me home. I even had time to go to the leisure centre, I missed the exercise class but I was just in time for the Christmas dinner, yay! I tell you what, I had the most interesting topic to talk about.

Hope you enjoyed that


  • Hi Gragon, regarding the Bluebells, I love them, but have the nicer variety! Daloni said she digs them up every year which I used to do before I realised that used to make them even stronger. Now they have their own patch next to the gate, so that at night when you come in, you get their beautiful scent! I'd just let them do their own thing! Mine used to wind through the azaleas but they don't now!

    Take Care 

    JackD did you ever get your key safe repaired or replaced?

    Daloni, yes I can imagine the smell of the bluebell woods. We have fantastic bluebell woods about 15 minutes from here. There's also an information shed, interaction for the children and a coffee shop (most important) also. There's a walk through the woods and up the side of the river that leads to a waterfall that's amazing! I can't get there now but have loads of pictures in my mind from before!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • When the bluebells disappear then there are daffodils, tulips and in Jan snowdrops, so no matter when you go, it's Stunning!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    Nothing was taken, I came out of the bedroom to see a young low life in the hallway and he scarpered out the way he came in, too fast for me unfortunately.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Annette

    That looks amazing, the way the sun is shining through the trees giving all that dappled shade.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Sounds like you have a bit of a roller coaster life. With some people things keep happening. Never a dull moment at least. Don’t these garden and woods sound wonderful. I love bluebells. They are have a protection order on them. We can’t pick them like we used to. I have mistletoe growing on the old apple tree. It’s such a old tree, it’s a wonder that anything grows on it.

  • There is something magical about mistletoe growing on trees. I was so excited to see huge clumps when we visited Worcestershire earlier this year. 

    It's chilly today. Keep warm all


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Oh TVman, so glad you got to eat your lunch, and that you got a key safe. I think you got your exercise for the day dont you. I am the same, i set off to walk and can get about 50 yards then the pain starts and i have to lean over something or sit down then try again. All the best. Lynn 2 xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    I agree with you as regards mistletoe. It has always been special and sacred to the Druids. You can easily forget it’s just a parasite that attaches itself to trees and such. When my boyfriend died just before Christmas in 2015 I bought some mistletoe and a single red rose and a gift of some photos. The mistletoe was my way of showing my love for him.

  • Tvman, thanks for your comments about the photograph, I will pass them on to my husband, (the photographer) who took it. This was taken near Aberfoyle, in the Trossachs, we are lucky enough to live relatively close to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs and we have the photos (lots&slots) to prove it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    Ha ha, another thing in common. My wife and I have been in Aberfoyle, such a quaint little village. It's the nearest village to the MacDonald Forest Hills hotel where we stayed for a weekend. 

    The hotel looks over Loch Ard and at breakfast time we used to watch the mist making its way down over the firs and down the loch. That magical moment has stuck in my mind for years. Love it! We have been to Loch Lomond 5 or 6 times, we've had a boat trip on the loch a couple of times and been to Luss where Take The High Road was filmed, that's going back a bit, it stopped in 2003.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.