Quality of life

  • 15 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Quality of life is a very personal thing and mine has certainly changed since my incurable and then terminal diagnosis.

I'm no longer able to do some of the things I've been passionate about like Martial Arts. 4 years ago I could do an hour of boxing training followed by an hour of swimming 3 times a week, now 12 lengths of the pool and some gentle pilates is an achievement.

I'm not allowed to drive, so have lost a lot of my independence and it's harder to be spontaneous.

Many, many people have told me how good singing is for health and well being including some of this community, but I only sing when there's no one around.

On Friday I attended a one day Voice Gym course in London, thinking it would help with my breathing, I have a lot of consolidation and a bit of collapsed lung since having pneumonia.

It was simply amazing, I feel like I've been given a gift and can't stop smiling! The presenter was Alex Evans and along with being an outstanding singer himself he helped each and every one of us find our voices in a safe and fun way. A lot of it was releasing tension from the jaw, neck and shoulders and I'll be introducing some of the techniques to my clients. I'll also be introducing it to the drama group I volunteer with for adults with learning difficulties. We spoke and sang, laughed and cried, moved and bounced on physio balls, but most importantly had so much fun! 

My quality of life has just shot up in a totally unexpected way. If you have a voice or have any tension in your face or body take a look at his work. I'll try and post a link. Move over Beyoncé Notes xx

  • Hi Tinalay, thanks for the link, I'm just about to go and check it out! Lalalala, just limbering up! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    just done my daily facial exercises, only 4 so far & unlike many I’ve seen really simple. Should see results in 2 weeks, eek! 
    I could ask Alex to run a course just for us...


  • Sounds good to me Tinalay!! X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I planted some more bulbs yesterday as the weather was fine! It's addictive. My wooden doves are merely flat wooden shapes, but I will take a photo when they are done. I have the steroid shakes so the glitter is a bit wobbly. Might add some feathers ..

    XxSlight smile

    Flowerlady x
  • Hi ,

    I think it has to be you me and going carol singing starting at 's.  (I know that you said you had been in some plays in the past Flowerlady but couldn't remember if you sang as well.)  If so then it is a quartet "entertaining" the good folk of Yorkshire.  So pleased to hear that you enjoyed it.

    All the best,

    Gragon x