Treatment for metastatic breast cancer

  • 13 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hello I am reading here lots of people have different treatment for metastatic breast cancer.I was just offered a weekly Paclitaxel.I am only 42.I don't think it's fair.Why I wasn't given more treatment option?I am having good response but I want more choices?Why I wasn't given one and others have? I am feeling now down i am not in a mood to continue my treatment.I am thinking what's the point?

Plus I was forced to have hospice contact which is making me more depressed.I have husband and I am really fit I dont need them so why they keep calling me?Is there also possibility to move from one London hospital do a different one?Seems this one don't bother with me too much.

I am sorry beeing so negative.Just seems beeing dumped.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear wee blonde , I agree it’s very much a personal decision whether to attend the hospice and no one should feel pressurised to do so. I think general practitioners are right to offer it to patients but if they decline then that should be the end of the matter. I’m a great believer in what works for you works for you, no two cancer patients are the same, some have supportive friends and family and others are on there own and can become quite isolated. I am unable to work due to having dialysis dependant kidney failure as well as terminal cancer so my weekly session at the hospice is a big morale boost for me, I don’t really associate going there with anything morbid it’s just a jolly old time as far as I’m concerned. I think the most important thing is that people have an accurate idea of what a hospice is really like and then if they decide it’s not for them then I fully support their decision not to attend. Support comes in many forms and it’s up to each person to decide what they need at any point in their illness.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Janet500 , 

    Talk more with your consultant, ask him to walk you through the scans, ask you questions and get your answers. Start to understand what is happening.  It took me a while to understand treatment the the facts around it.  Take your list of questions and keep asking until you understand why.  As Daloni has noted, we have to watch out for ourselfs and take care of ourselfs, even if it means standing up for yourself- she is very wise in this.

    So take action when you can, it helps you feel better. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Have you contacted the Macmillan helpline? You can speak to a nurse and they’d be able to help you make a list of questions to ask the oncologist. It might be that you’re on the best treatment for you but they obviously haven’t explained it very well. I hope you can get some answers soon. Heart