Oral chemo

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  • 41 subscribers


Well as of today I have been on Capcitabine for 6 days. The side effects I have are tiredness, slight dizziness, slight nausea and slight loss of appetite. I am not sleeping particularly well.  So I guess at the moment if it is all slight then I am not doing to badly. I find having to get up and eat breakfast as 7.00am hard to take my tablets.  Not the getting up as I have always been an early riser but having to eat breakfast which I dont normally do.  I just feel a lack of energy to accomplish things during the day that I want to which is frustrating. So being tired during the day makes me weepy and these dark afternoons dont help.  I just hope this is going to work and halt the tumour growths on my liver. Someone said to me today when I was out with the dog, cheer up love it may never happen. I answered it already had. The look on the mans face!


  • I'm so glad you responded to him like that! There are so many, older, men out there who seem to think that we women should be smiling all the time for them. I've lost count of the number of guys who have told me to smile for one reason or another. Stuff off mate, I'm not here to look good for you and I'm having a bad day!

    So well done you! 

    As for the tiredness and exhaustion, I've not had chemo but I've def got fatigue from my radiation. I've just had a few hours of a nap myself, and sod all has been done in the house that I had been planning to do. 

    I hope things get better and this is just an adjustment period for you. We can but hope!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.