Was Today Last Chemo?

  • 10 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So 2day I've just had the 6th cycle of E.C. chemo. If u've followed my story u'll know I've had many regimes. Last time I saw Onc he said 6 cycles was the norm but I might b able 2 have another 6...

I'm due 2 c him on the 6th Dec but this time he hasn't requested a CT scan (?). Disease has remained stable in all areas bar the breast and since this year that's become breasts.

So will this 47 year old body b put through more chemo? I've exhausted treatments & the E.C. regime was the final one available unless he's got his magic wand out & found something else. Trials aren't an option due 2 alien boob which leaves me susceptible 2 infections.

But I have a goal!!!! Daughter's graduation is 30th June 2020. I wanna b there, even if I'm reduced 2 a wheelchair by then. Still on 2 feet at the moment.

Right need 2 get my a*** in gear & go 2 work. Its miserable outside & pouring with rain. Its really a PJ day hut need 2 earn some $$$$

Take care peeps

WB xx

  • Far as I'm aware, Scotland are still using the £ for now. And even if they get independence, can't see it being the $ they move onto!

    I still say they should bring back unicorns! 




    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hello I hope it has stopped raining (not in Edinburgh) and you have had a good day.  I just wanted to say good luck for your appointment on the 6th - they may have options you don’t expect or maybe a wee treatment break over Xmas before starting something new, you never know.

    anyway not sure how helpful that’s been but I wanted to send you a hug xxxx

  • Hi WB, When you said you were seeing your onc on 6/12 but this time ha hasnt ordered ct scan, I was wondering when you had the last one? I know my oncologist at Beatson told me they were trying to cut the amount of scans, given to cancer patients. However this time for a change it has nothing to do with money (yes still £'s Lass!). It has to do with the patients wellbeing as too many can affect the bones etc and therefore cause more problems we don't need!

    I feel confident in saying I'm sure you will make it to the graduation but if this was my decision I'd be thinking of handing in my notice to work, just to give myself the best chance. Then on a miserable wet, foggy day, I'd be able to turn over in bed, instead of getting ready to go to work. I know it is a big decision and you enjoy your work, I did too but at some point your priorities might have to change! I do hope you get a treatment break over the festive season and your oncologist has a plan for you for next year! Please let us know what happens on 6th! Sending a huge (((HUG))).

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Evening Annette

    I usually get a CT scan every 3 months & at my last appt he said it would b the usual - having a CT b4 hand. As there was no sign of an appt coming (hosp sometimes send the scan appt 4 after my planned Onc appt) but BCN said he doesn't want a scan prior 2 the forthcoming Onc appt as everything was reasonably stable at last appt (except grand alien boob & petite alien boob).

    Told BCN again they had 2 get me 2 graduation. Feeling ok with work at the moment - it goes up & down but sometimes that's 2 do with line manager. The guy is a t** sometimes - incredibly lazy! 

    2day was a nauseous day but a combination of drugs has helped but could only manage  boiled egg 4 t.

    Christmas Fun Day is approaching 4 work (public library) so last night I wrapped 36 "mystery books" 4 a display & 2nite it was sharpening many colouring pencils & cutting out nearly 40 paper xmas stockings...oh joy oh joy. Anyone beat that 4 excitement?

    Fine & cosy 2nite in the living room with the fire on aaahhh

    Night all

    WB xx

  • Hi 

    I may be on a par with you, I cut off the base of dear knows how many empty 500ml water bottles and then made about 8 cuts vertically.half way towards the top end so that they could be opened out. My wife then glued about 10 at the drinking end to an empty 2ltr bottle to make the effect of a Christmas tree and she lightly sprayed them with gold paint and sprinkled some glitter on the wet paint.

    All that to be displayed beside the Christmas tree in a local(ish) church.

    Hope you kept awake better than me lol.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Morning WB

    I am full of awe and admiration for anyone who is living with cancer, having treatment and still working. I consider myself very blessed that I have had my husband at home to look after me for the last seventeen years. ( I have several disability issues)

    With the strength you obviously possess I you'll be dancing at that graduation no doubt. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Tink, I dont know if I should b admired or just noted as being plain stupid by working fulltime???

    The xmas fun continues as had 2 dig out my elf dress (2 c if it still fits - worse luck it does) & an emergency xmas jumper 4 the evening "do".

    Then had 2 spend 2nite chopping up piles of fresh fruit, 2 take along 2  Secret Santa meal event after work 2morrow, whilst I nipped back & forth 2 the tv 2 catch "I'm a Celebrity..."

    So think of me 2morrow (well actually 2day looking at the time!!!) whilst my 4ft 11" self is dressed as an elf all flippin day!!!!! And it's not even December yet!!!!

    Night all. Will try & give u the highlights 2morrow night (but no pics haha!)

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear WB

    My usual rising time is 2-2.30am so we must metaphorically pass on the stairs!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    I want pics! You’ve brightened up my wee small hours wakefulness with your tales of sharpening pencils, cutting out stockings, chopping up veg and other Christmas shenanigans. 

    It’s good to have a goal. My oncologist told me people with a goal do best. And what a goal you have. Not meeting it is not an option. 

    Party on! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh flip am I paying 4 Festive Fun Day & evening soiree now!

    My back is killing me despite my regular 50mg MST evening dose & a top up of Sevredol. I should have worn a vest/crop top as dressing has rubbed on alien boob & it aches & is a heck of a mess...2 much info.

    However, everything else went 2 plan. Happy kids, happy parents, Santa appeared with his bleeding noisy bell & I've ticked another item off our events plan 4 the year.

    Entertaining evening event that started 60mins after I finished work - but 1st made it home 4 20mins 4 a change of clothes, collected my "fruit party platters", time 4 a drink & a pee then off I sped in my wee red machine.

    Lasted till 9pm & then had w call it a day - 2 achy & wanted 2 c my fam - 4 legged & 2 legged.

    2morrow's plan is 2 stay in bed. Stuff the housework & cooking. This girl need sleep...

    Ciao all

    WB xx

    PS - will find a photo xx