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  • 42 subscribers

Waking up ever morning so early (I think it's the steroids I'm on) is the most peaceful time of the day and instead of getting annoyed that I can't sleep I have decided to embrace the extra time. 

Also I see from the posts that it's a common phenomenon.....lack of sleep!

  • FormerMember

    Good morning tinkabel, the steroids have me up at 4am every morning without fail, I just get up have a cup of tea, play some lemmings and watch things I’ve recorded from the television. It’s better than looking at the bedroom ceiling for a couple of hours and ruminating ! ! Fortunately my husband could sleep over a washing line so I don’t disturb him with my nocturnal activities, I think my body clock has got stuck in this pattern now after 17 months of steroids so like you I’ve decided to go with the flow.

  • FormerMember

    You’re right . Lack of sleep is a common phenomenon on this website. For some it’s steroids, for others it’s pain. Sometimes it’s just insomnia. But in the wee small hours, this is a great place to be. 

    I agree with you about embracing the extra time, especially in summer when the dawn chorus strikes up and the sun rises 


  • I'm having fun at the moment. 

    My SAD has kicked in, so instead of my normal 4 hour max of sleep at night, I'm up to over 9. Add in naps through the day, and I'm easily up to 14 or more some days. 17 hours and 51 mins in one day is the most so far this month. Lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Tink, I was just the same when I was on steroids but the good thing about them was that they gave me extra energy! Do you find that too?

    Now I'm awake during the night because of pain. I come on here, read my Kindle, do my jigsaws on the free app on my iPad and also read the day's news online. Sometimes I go back and forward from one to another before falling asleep, around 6 or 7am!

    Wow Lass, that's more sleep than I have in almost a full week! Which do you prefer, being awake or sleeping most of the day? Or is it not your choice at all! It's intriguing! Are you any further forward with your PIP renewal?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry all, said the post had not gone, then it posted it twice. Pressed "more" to delete but only "edit" was there! Hence this babbling or it would have posted it twice again! Aargh!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Unfortunately, neither is my choice. Lol. 

    So summertime I barely sleep at night, and when I was 'healthy' that was fine. I could cope with that and I was bright as a button first thing in the morning for work, as well as last thing at night at whatever social event I was at despite having had 0 - 4 hours of sleep. These days, I'm knackered the whole time and end up napping at some point. Yet still only managing the 0 - 4 at night.

    Then the autumn and winter came along, and I just felt tired all the time and wanted to hibernate constantly. So work was a nightmare as by the time lunch was done, I just wanted my bed. Now though, that's a bit better - possibly because I don't have to be up at a certain time. So I'm waking up naturally and when I'm ready - when it's light, which is the same in summer.

    Still napping, but only if I do something - which is the same reason for the naps in summer. Chronic fatigue owns me!

    As for PIP..... Pfffft. No-one from the Macmillan welfare team called me to arrange a date. And I only remembered after they were closed today. So I need to wait and call them on Monday to ask wtf and why are they adding to my stress!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Lass, Yes it's strange when we can't control when we sleep! I too am tired all the time because my body is not getting enough rest at night but I do try not to nap during the day, unless the tiredness just overpowers me! The only way I can get more than a few hours sleep at night is by taking knockout meds. I have tried that too but still find I feel as bad during the day, as its not a natural sleep, I feel like a zombie, so no longer go down that track!

    I'm sorry no one has got back to you about a date to discuss PIP and of course these things can never be sorted out at a weekend because no one works then! Typical! I wonder have you looked at the letter you were given last time? I know someone did mention that but can't remember who it was! When things changed from DLA to PIP, here everyone had to have an assessment, that was 2017. My Blue Badge expires Apr 2020. Because of the chat here, I asked my husband if he had the letter (he files everything). When we read it earlier it said "after your recent assessment, your Benifit will continue. However if anything changes you must contact this office. We will contact you again in March 2027 to see how you are getting on" !!! We both were gobsmacked when we read "2027" and now wonder if this was a clerical error! We won't find out until Mar 20 or Apr 20 when I apply to renew my Blue Badge! We honestly hadn't noticed the date before, I was just relieved that after a two hour plus assessment, they said 3 months later, I would be changed over from DLA to PIP! Good luck with yours on Monday! Set your alarm to make sure you phone them in the morning!

    Off to do my jigsaws again now! Night night! X

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Nope, no idea where the 2016 letter is, or even if I kept it. Got my blue badge renewal through too, but it expires before my PIP does, by a few months I think it is - yup, Feb for badge and June for PIP. To get it, they need a 12 month old or less letter stating I'm on PIP, so I'm not sure if I'll get that letter in time or not. So I need to give them a call to ask what to do.

    And now I've got palpitations. Yaaaaaay..... /sarcasm.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi and good morning Anndanv and Lass and anyone else who has sleep eluding them. I must apologise if this reply goes somewhere it shouldn't. I really have no clue as to what to do and where to put things....a social media virgin, so to speak! 

    The extra energy you speak of Anndanv is in bountiful supply in my head, my body disagrees however, which is disappointing as all I seem to think about is how much I want and need to get done.....projects, decorating, holidays, and just to be able to tackle the dust layering my home before Christmas!

    I have a blood clot in my neck which is hindering matters. Feeling like I'm being strangled, not being able to bend over doesn't help. Also, does anyone else suffer from breathlessness and bloating?

    On the plus typing is becoming increasingly proficient!!JoyJoy

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good morning Johnty....going with the flow early this morning. Been up since 3am. That'll serve me right for falling asleep on the sofa after a late supper!