
  • 2 replies
  • 42 subscribers


I have collected my tablets this morning 5 with breakfast and around 12 hours later another 5.  I do not usually eat breakfast but I am going to have to around 7.00am.  Then eat again around 6.00pm.  I usually like to have my evening meal early as I find if I eat after six I have trouble digesting it properly before bed.  The pharmachist came to see me and and with my nurse went through all the side effects, which have scared me witless.  They have already given me anti sickness tablets and tablets to take for diarrhoea.  My nurse also told me to get some Aveeno cream for my hands and feet and to start using it.  At the present time I feel fine apart fro  some tiredness so am not looking forward to perhaps feeling really unwell.  I so wish I didnt have to take this and put this toxicity into my body. I know that a lot of people cope really well and I am keeping everything crossed that I am one of them. For me it just seems as though it's just one more step towards the end.  The words I hate most from people are positivity and optimism.  They have no idea how hard it is..  if it wasnt for bad news and I wouldn't have any news at all.  Never any good news re my cancer for me.  I am getting tired of it all and see no end until I finally die.


  • FormerMember

    Dear Ellie, I am sorry to read you are feeling so down, I know how it feels to have to face up to the fact that you have to get back on the rollercoaster that is a new treatment especially as you had previously been stable on a different treatment. I agree with you that at times like this you don’t necessarily want to hear the words positivity or optimism, I accepted long ago the random and unpredictable nature of my own cancer and don’t buy into the mind over matter philosophy as it brings with it a sense of responsibility for the outcome of my treatment which as far as I’m concerned I have no control over. My focus is on my quality of life and the future is a foreign land I’ve yet to visit so I try not to dwell to much on it. I’m a palliative patient so my weekly visit to the hospice is my main source of support apart from my wonderful husband. Being with people in the same position as me has given me perspective and I now just take each day as it comes and try to live as normal a life as I can despite the circumstances.

  • Dear Ellie

    Its difficult isn't it? Unless you are in our position, how can anyone understand. That's why this forum is so important. Other people mean well, but it's ok to not feel positive all the time. These tablets may  give you months, perhaps years of decent health.

    We are all with you


    Flowerlady x