First scan results on Cabozantinib

  • 1 reply
  • 41 subscribers

Hello, not been on here for awhile as been very poorly with chest infection, it’s taken 11 weeks to feel upto doing anything.

so first scan results while on Cabozantinib 40mg ( was started on middle dose) they came back stable, I am very happy with that considering I had 4 months break after Pazopanib stopped working to start Cabozantinib then while on Cabo had to have 4 weeks break due to chest infection so basically was only it it for 2.5 months. So now I am recovered from infection hoping to stay stable, next scan is due February.

hope everyone is being the best they can be

  • Hi ,

    I'm pleased to hear that you are feeling better having had such a rough time recently.  Stable is nice, especially if it includes the Xmas period.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx