• 149 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi Gang, Well the day before we went to Salou for a fortnight, I had my six month check after my spinal decompression op. They took an X-ray and the surgeon admired his metal handiwork which is now holding my spine together. He was very pleased and told me there would be no need to make a further appointment but I could phone his secretary if I started having problems. So off we went on holiday!  

When we got back, there was a letter from him asking me to contact his secretary to make an appointment as he now had the written report for the X-ray. I phoned and was told I'd need a CT scan which they had already booked for me as well as a further aptm for his clinic to discuss the results. The latter was last Monday 28th! On the X-ray & scan there was a shadow just at the bottom of my right shoulder blade. The consultant examined my back and felt a lump. He explained that he was going to take a biopsy to be sent away but after the scan, he said it was too deep to do it with a local anaesthetic so suggested surgery to remove it with a GA then they will send it for biopsy.

Next he said he had arranged to do the pre-op assessment there and then, which came as a bit of a shock as you can imagine!   However, that's it done and now it's just a case of waiting for a date to get it removed! I phoned his secretary once we got home, to tell here we had booked to go to Manchester from 5-10 Dec inclusive to see the Christmas Markets etc but I also said I didn't expect to get word as quick as that but was just letting her know anyway! We all know urgent can mean 6-12 weeks with the NHS, so I won't hold my breath!

So there you have it! I've had a few other lumps etc removed in the six years since stage4 dx but this is the first they can't do at the clinic with a local anaesthetic! Up until Monday we hadn't said anything about it to our son and daughter and to see "that look" again on their faces was heartbreaking! I'm trying to be upbeat about it, smiling and saying it could be nothing of course! Any prayers, I would be grateful for, they certainly can't hurt! This will be my eleventh surgery but you never get used to it! Take Care everyone!

  • Hi Daloni, Thanks for your reply but you should be asleep!

    The date for the surgery was confirmed today by letter as Wednesday 27/11!  To be honest, I did say to the surgeon that the Wednesday was suitable because I didn't have any plans until the Friday night. He looked at me and just smiled saying " I'm quite confident if you've made your mind up to go out on the Friday night, who am I to tell you otherwise!! Then he laughed out loud and said to his registrar that I wasn't a "typical" patient!!  Now I wonder what he meant by that!! Lol!! Hope you get to sleep soon! I'm off to read my book!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Silly me! Both in my wakefulness and my mistakenness. Appointment confirmation is what I should have said. Your surgeon sounds nice Blush


  • Oh Annette

    You have such a busy calendar of events centred around your lovely grandchildren. I bet they think you're the best granny in the world, their happy faces demonstrate that Slight smile

    The proposed date of your operation in less than 2 weeks is super, I wouldn't read too much into that, it's another example of how great your surgeon is. He, (and you) believes that the best way to remove the lump is by general anaesthetic so you really need to recover from that to allow your timetable of events to kick off, and I believe that you have the motivation to allow that to happen.  

    Good luck Annette, I hope you stay well in the next few days, no doubt I'll be speaking to you before the op.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Annette,

    good news that you have. A date to aim for. We will be thinking of you with best wishes on the 27th 

    love Ruth 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    So pleased you have a date, then you can get it out of the way before all your our Xmas activities get started! I will be rooting for you on the 27th.

    and never be a typical patient......I think we owe it to our consultants to keep them entertained and on their toes, they have tough jobs Grinning


  • Thank you ALL so much for taking the time to reply and for your good wishes for my op! It means a lot!

    Yes my surgeon is terrific! He knows me too well! You are right Roobarb, I think there are very few "typical cases" here in this group! 

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    You're most welcome Annette, you're very popular and I love to hear your thoughts on subjects that are introduced here. 

    I was sitting watching snooker and thinking that I would like to wish everyone a lovely weekend and there were your wishes. I was wondering how to get around to it and you have done it for me.

    So have a nice weekend everyone, especially those in York (I think it's this weekend).

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.

    I got a call on Tuesday to say the hospital had a severe shortage of beds but asked me still to arrive on Wednesday morning at 7am and still to follow the fasting instructions I had been given at the pre-op. Then they pointed out that the surgery could be still be postponed up to 3pm!

    Thankfully, my surgeon came down to admissions to discuss options, while the nurse was filling in the mound of paperwork. He said if I promised once the op was done and I had wakened sufficiently from the general anaesthetic then he would allow me home, if I went straight to bed and stay there until at least noon on Friday, so of course I promised. He then asked the nurse to get my husband so he could have a word with him. He was still in the waiting room.

    I was taken to the theatre just before 8.45 where they managed to get the vein on the back of my hand on the first go. In March it took 7 tries, so I was very relieved! The surgery went well, the surgeon said although the lump looked small on the surface it was deep and had adhesions attached to it which he also removed. At about 1pm, I was having a cup of tea and a sandwich in the recovery ward. The nurse said she would phone my husband and tell him to come in 75minutes or so to collect me! She came back ten minutes later and said my husband hadn't left the hospital and was just finishing lunch in the many restaurants so she said he could come sit with me when he was finished. We left at 1.45 which was great! Home, straight to bed then my husband brought me tea and toast arrived, which was delicious!

    When we passed through the waiting area, four of the people who arrived at 7am were still there waiting to be told if they would have surgery or not. One of the people asked if I was being sent home because my op had been cancelled. I said, that I had had the op. He then asked my consultant's name but said his was a different consultant. He told us the nursing staff had to call the police to a patient who's op had been cancelled for the third time and refused to leave, shouting and disturbing everyone! It just shows how terrible the situation has got in the NHS.i   Thank you everyone who sent good wishes at the start of this thread. I will let you know when I have the biopsy results!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Very pleased that all has gone well and you're home relaxing! 

    Fingers crossed for the biopsy! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Sorry it was not a straightforward admission I feel sorry for all the people who are cancelled.

    So good you have had it done. Just the waiting now which I am sure you are used to.

    i had o stop the lenvatinib due to high blood pressure and Proteinuria.

    i now have an an echo and a cardiology appointment in December .

    hope fully won’t restart the drug until after Christmas.

    Happy Christmas everyone 
