Had chemo on friday

  • 4 replies
  • 43 subscribers

On cycle 5 on weekly chemo as too much for my body to take from first 2 sessions this last one on Friday has been the worst so far for feeling sick Sat Sun and Mon only had a couple of slices of toast on those days and struggled with that keep taking the sickness meds trying to cope as best I can awful when you live in your own and so frightening as no one to shout for help in house my best friend is so supportive wants to come down and help but I said there is nothing you can do I will have to just ride it out due another chemo in Fri don't want to miss any more as have missed 3 weekly sessions all ready due to bloods not being right so I am behind already had scan results the other week and all the tumers have shrunk so consultant says the treatment is working well even though incurable I just want to prolong my quality of life for as long as I can as everyone on this site wants to sorry for rambling on as usual just needed a chatxxx

  • Sorry this should of gone into incurable cancer post I got mixed up with the groups

  • Could you please move my post Rachel I have tried sending it again but still not moved to incurable cancer group I wish I was good at online stuff but I am not sorry for the mistake

  • Hi Flippen

    Oh dear, I think I read this elsewhere, The Room maybe and I felt so sad. I've never had chemo, I know that it can be really hard for some, goodness I have read so many. 

    I have chatted with you before and I know you're alone but I also know what a wonderful friend you have, I'd say she is the mother of all friends to coin a phrase. I also know that you would have her in, in an instant but you're feeling so low that you just want to curl up and let it run its course. That's a little difficult for me to understand, Flippen, because I know how much you, and a few of us on the site, value her help, so I think if it happens again and you feel so lousy, that you should let her in and maybe hold your hand and/or stroke your head because you have a friend in a million, she's just the tonic for you to feel better and I hope you let her read this, Flippen. 

    Whatever you do, I know you'll do it for the right reason. Fantastic news that the tumours are shrinking, the chemo is working. Have you told your friend about that, because it'll be music to her ears. 

    Take care and keep those beasties at bay.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi tv man thanks for getting back to me i made a right mess of sending this post sent it here when it should of been incurable cancer post don't know how to move me post to right place just keep putting apologies I had put it in wrong place wondered why no one getting back to me about my best friend yes she is one in a million but I try not to bother her too much as it's just as painful and stressful what I am going through for me as to her i call it my a b c checks before I call her or response team I am not one of those people who phoned up every 2 min if you know what I mean she knows i have had difficult week b but proud that I have coped with it and she was with me when I had scan results the other week it was an amazing moment for us all in that day even consultant clapping one of the best moments in my life as was convinced it had spread somewhere else or chemo not working not prepared at all for what happened in that room we are at hospital tomorrow for consultant meeting can't wait to see my best friend and after hospital meeting we are going shopping then coming home and having our long natters and my dog loves her so much so a positive to look forward to tomorrow then wait for call if y bloods are right for chemo on Fri feel a bit better this morn think I will look like toast soon ha ha it will be clearing the fridge out again today with the food not eaten never mind shopping tomorrow again at least if I get it in and fancy it I can have it I just hope if I have chemo on Fri next week I don't feel as bad as this week so sorry for waffling as usual and once again thank you for getting back to me xxx
