Checked In Again!

  • 31 replies
  • 46 subscribers

So I think I'm going 4 a record with consecutive month hospital admissions! Aug, Sept & now Oct. Anyone want 2 run a book 4 Nov & Dec?

The horrible alien boob is the guilty culprit again - probs didnt help with the fall last Fri when I tripped over the table leg & managed 2 bash everything on the right hand side of my body. Most bits of me r on the mend but the wrist is still in a splint.

Blasting me with antibiotics again & gonna add a bag or two of red as bloods r a bit low (again!) . Saves being admitted twice & I'm not going anywhere...

Hope everyone is cosy in their own beds or holiday locations this weekend. 

B safe guys & girls

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well that’s marvellous news - that you’re home, that you’re up for a wee walk with the dogs, that you’ll see the nurses, that the papering is done and that you’ve had eight unbroken hours of sleep. I am a chronic insomniac and I literally do not remember the last time I slept more than four hours on the trot. 

    The rest I’ll skip over.

    Have a lovely day xxx

  • Hi WB

    So glad you got home, and you spent 8 hours in the land of nod? Wahay! Daloni, Annette, I and others can only dream about that lol. 

    I can see there's no point in trying to persuade you to not do a certain thing, I know you, like I did with my job, get a kick with the craic and the social side. You're a strong tough wee lady, WD. My wife is the same, give my sympathies to your hubby lol. 

    Take care WB

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Delighted you're home & rested, WB. 

    Don't overdo ut at work.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So glad u r home wee blonde

    enjoy your own bed ,great to hear you slept ,i have some problems but sleep is not one of them at the moment 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanx chums. It's amazing how more energetic u feel in ur own surroundings than looking at hospital walls.

    Dogs r walked (it's ok we just pound the pavement 4 30mins) & my pan of "bung it in the pan" soup is made. Yum yum. Now debating as 2 whether 2 make some carrot & coriander soup as well cos have a whole bunch of carrots 2 use & no rabbit 2 feed them 2. It can all b frozen & put 2 good use on those work/lazy days.

    The sun is shining, it's not raining & the trees look beautiful with their autumn colours.

    Will put feet up soon & catch up on some more zzzzzz


    WB xx

  • Hi WB, So pleased to read you are home. Now please try to stay there for a while no more 'hotel' stays for a while unless they are

    4 star! Lol 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi WB,

    It's good to hear that you are back and home, putting your feet up and admiring your hubby's handiwork.

    However, I do think that given your propensity to getting yourself admitted to hospital you need to make some preparations. You need to put together a ready bag similar to that used by mums to be when they are expecting to have to rush into hospital.

    Obviously it should have items in for admission.

    Nightwear, slippers, toothbrush, phone charger, emergency cash etc

    It will then need some items for the settling in period, books, biscuits, squash (or that rather strange Irn Bru) and such like. Essential to this section are the items designed to get rid of the irritations incumbent with staying on a ward. Perhaps persuade your GP to prescribe some sleeping pills that you can slip to your room mates when the hot chocolate comes around. Some cable ties to stop the more mobile from getting out of bed at strange hours (this can also work on annoying night staff but do be aware that they often work in gangs), a universal tv remote control so that you can always tune the tv in to what you want to watch or turn the volume down when one person on the ward wants it painfully loud.

    Finally, and most importantly you need to put together an Exit kit. You appear to favour digging your way out so perhaps consider putting a trowel in your bag rather than using an NHS tea spoon, Perhaps try a Doctors outfit so that you can forge your own discharge papers. Have a code word so that you can trigger your family and friends into a snatch squad to come and grab you and rush you out.  How about an all in one body stocking in beige so that you can blend in with the walls and sneak out.

    I'm sure that your many friends on the site will be able to come up with varied and imaginative suggestions.

    I hope it is a long time before you need to use the bag,

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • Well Gragon, with all that to take, WB I would recommend you take a suitcase!! Lol! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • You say that Annette but I'm sure that my mother used to carry more than that in her handbag, she had anything you could ever want in there although finding it seemed to be the main issue.

    Love Gragon xx

  • Hi Gragon, Well, I have a bag exactly like your mum's but it isn't too big, the trouble is, there are lots of different bits with zips on them and I have to look through all of them before I find what I'm looking for! It's strange how it is always in the last bit I look,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!