Ever Done a Silly Thing?

  • 8 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So 2day's cracker was falling over at work & landing flat out on the ground- thankfully only one elderly customer saw me tumble. Was moving a table at the time & didn't move foot out of the way.

Have resisted a trip 2 A&E but have quite a few aches & no doubt 2morrow will b joined by interesting bruises. So it would b quicker 2 say wot doesn't ache but I managed 2 hurt my shoulder, arm, wrist, hand, hip, back & landed on alien boob side (which if u've seen any previous posts has bn causing me major probs the last couple of months).

Do do I get a medal????

Ciao all!

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi wb

    as if you don’t have enough to deal with ! Seriously be careful ,I did this in hospital on way to radiotherapy,broke my arm and made seroma in mastectomy wound worse and had to have debridement,you can imagine ,! 
    hope all is ok ,and you can have a silly bu.  rs medal ! 
    positive thoughts all the way 




  • FormerMember


    You can have a medal if you want one, but I'd rather you were careful.

    You're making light of it, as you always do, but that must hurt a lot. 

    Sending very gentle hygs.

  • Oh WB, I'm sure places you didn't know you'd hurt, will ache in the morning!

    Anyway, my question to you is "why were you moving a table in the first place?" Wasnt that a bad idea!

    I strained muscles in my wrist, arm and shoulder (the arm with a pin from shoulder to elbow) last Friday when we were leaving our hotel in Salou after a terrific two week holiday! My husband had booked taxis from and to the airport to save me struggling to get on and off the coach the travel company laid on. He's so thoughtful! The taxi going was ideal but the one back was one of those 5 seater mini vans!  When the driver slid open the door and I saw the very high step, I wondered if I would make it up to the seat! I didn't want to say anything because my husband thought he'd done the best thing, so I stretched up to the handle and literally hauled myself up! My shoulder is still painful! When we arrived at the airport, I had to get out backwards, holding the same handle and my husband holding my 'cheeks' until my feet were on the ground! Not a pretty sight or ladylike at all!

    Hope things aren't as bad as you imagine today and if they are, please get checked out!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi WB

    Not sure about a medal, you got the biggest wince ever when I thought of you falling on the alien boob, I'm thinking of a pus explosion all over the elderly customer. How can I eat breakfast in a few hours lol?

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Morning buds! Well that was a rubbish night's sleep. Currently at my fav hotel (local hospital) awaiting xrays of my wrist & shoulder. Drove myself up as it's all the right side affected. Fam can nip up later. 

    Husband's stupid thing was kicking the wardrobe that's right close 2 his side of the bed on Thurs night. Obs thought he was scoring a goal during his sleep - currently has 3 very bruised bloodied toes - might b his & hers hosp beds.

    See ya

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    In & out within 2 hours. Nothing broken but xrays will b double checked on Mon. Have a glamorous splint on my right wrist. And yep, I'm right handed!!!

    Happy days. Off 2 the Thai restaurant with chums 2nite Wink


    WB xx

  • Hi WB, I'm glad nothing is broken but it is always best to get it checked out! Hope it heals quickly! Sounds to me like your husband doesn't want to be outdone! If you can do something silly...so can he!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Ouch, WB! Do you keep arnica tablets in your no doubt extensive medicine chest? 

    I think the silliest thing I have done along these lines was cycle to a choir rehearsal with my clothes in a plastic bag over the front handlebars. “That’s a silly thing to do,” I thought to myself as I set off. Inevitably the bag caught in the wheel, the bike and I did a forward somersault on a luckily empty main road. I picked myself up, got back on my bike dangling my painful right arm beside me and cycled on. 

    When my husband insisted on taking me to A&E the next day after a painful night, I found I’d broken my wrist. Twit! 

    Hope you both mend quickly 
