Fed up

  • 6 replies
  • 41 subscribers
  1. I am in my tenth year now of virtually continuous treatment - so many different chemos, pills, infusions, scans etc.. I have had a mastectomy 7 years ago, a titanium rod when I fell and broke my femur and humerus at the same time ( bone cancer), I had a lobe removed from a lung (a different cancer!) and apparently 2 issues in my brain, as well as a spot on the other lung.
  2. I am in my 70s and quite a bit older than the rest of you. For you I have the greatest sympathy and send you all my love and prayers.
  3. i am just so fed up with it all now, but the gloomy weather doesn't help. What a misery guts I am!
  4. sorry for the rant everyone. xx
  • Hi Goeash,

    you are undertaking a marathon - no wonder you are fed up sometimes. The gloom and rain dont help, amazing what a bit of sunshine can do to mood, and being able to be outside. You are allowed to be a misery gutsat times, why shouldnt you? But hope the sun shines on you soon, and you give yourself credit for running a 10 year marathon.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Thank you ownedbystaffies for your kind reply. All the best to you x

  • FormerMember

    If anyone's allowed to rant goeash, it's you. That's just too much for anyone to cope with.

    How are you generally, are you able to get out and about? The best thing about having a dog is that it makes you get outside in all weathers. The autumn colours are stunning even on the gloomiest of days and that seems to really help my mood.

    As ownedbystaffies said, you should give yourself lots of credit for running this 10 year marathon, and unless you have super powers it's allowed to feel fed up at times.

    I hope you feel brighter soon. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Tinalay. I'm not as mobile as I used to be, because of the bad peripheral neuropathy in both legs caused 5 years ago by Paclitaxol. However, my husband and I do go out to our favourite coffee places when we can!

    i feel that I shouldn't moan, as I am still here, but it does get too much sometimes.

    thank you for your kind reply. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I thought I was a veteran at five and a half years of treatment, more on than off, especially in the last two and a half. But now I realise I am but a novice. No wonder you feel fed up. I have so many other things I’d rather be doing and I bet you do too. 

    Please feel free to have a moan. We are all allowed our funny five minutes. Then go do something nice. I do like a good coffee shop, especially when there’s cake and company. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you daloni for your kind reply. Yes, we have some good tea rooms round this part of Kent!  xx