Scan results today

  • 17 replies
  • 42 subscribers

hi there had my scan results today was dreading it never had any good news before but guess what all my tumers have shrunk!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it couldn't cope thought they had mixed my results with some body else's consultant in tears and clapping I am on the floor crying and in a state and my best friend as well I can't cope with bad news and can't cope with good news what am I like!!!!!!! so unexpected thought this was it and they would stop chemo and everything else made the mistake of watching coronation street last night if any body else watched it I thought that is going to be me i just can't believe it especially as I had missed two chemo sessions as well due to bloods not being right I just thought I wanted to share some hope to other people here that miracles can happen I know there is no cure for me but I will take any positive results and prolong my quality of life as long as I can fit chemo tomorrow again but hey I am fighting this battle xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    Thank you for the wishes.We are just travelling back from holiday,so I have had a bit of a rest.

    I am trying to be positive but it only my first scan after chemo.Just try and keep busy.

     Fingers crossed.xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Busy is good, . I’m currently in bed making a crochet wrap and trying not to think about next week Joy


  • FormerMember

    Wow Popgate, I’m absolutely delighted for you! It does us all good to hear good news, especially when it’s so unexpected. 

    Here’s hoping this is the start of a long period of stability, hope you & your friend can celebrate xx

  • Hi there had chemo today went well just got strait with jobs again thanks for your comments always means a lot when people get back to me yes you could say that unexpected oh it's so nice that my best friend gets the good news as well we have been to hell and back these last few months let me tell you and what effects m me effects her we are just soul mates in this life and the next for sure she celebrated with a cider and I had me pop ha ha ha xxx

  • YIPPEE Popgate, Now that's the kind of news I like to hear on returning from a two week holiday!! I'm sure it all seems a bit like a dream just now but it won't take long for it to sink in! My consultant had a similar reaction to yours which made it extra special! Of course it was unexpected as before our results lots of things go through our mind but seldom anything THAT good!! Fantastic!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Hi Popgate

    I replied to your post a couple of days ago saying I was glad and cheered up by your news. However because I haven't mastered  how to post and reply yet I got a nice memo from the "moderator"? saying my reply had gone to the wrong place so you wont have got it, so I hope you get this! Long may you have a good quality of life. I am glad you have your best friend to support you but really pleased to see that you now have many friends on this forum. Keep fighting the battle and thanks for  making me smile.

    Love Pat xx

  • Hi there Thank you for contacting me i say this to everyone that does and every time it is genuine for me living in my own and dealing with everything that goes with having cancer has been an immense struggle and so close to giving up on many occasions this site is a life saver to me and the support is fantastic on good and bad news to share I suffer with anxious issues everyday the slightest thing can set me off like a milk bottle top the other day kept spinning off i can laugh about it now haha and my only best friend my soul mate forever and ever I couldn't off got this far without her i will keep fighting on and on and the support from people like you matters so much to me and it's so nice to help other people as well who need help and some comforting words and advice makes you feel better as well as for online things yes I am in the same boat as you don't know what I am doing half the time but even trying to get around this site has been an achievement for me let me tell you haha xxxxx
