Pretty Rubbish Results

  • 5 replies
  • 41 subscribers

So scanxiety proved 2 b accurate- but nothing that I wasn't expecting.

Good news: still virtually nothing visible on the liver (hurrah!)

Not so good news: slight deterioration 2 the bones (thought I was a bit more achy, but blamed it on manually scrubbing 3 mats!)

S*** news: as expected the fungating alien boob is bad, just can't get this 2 shrink & heal (any infection in this is more likely 2 shorten my sell by date)

Nxt plan? Continue with E.B. chemo 4 another 3 cycles & take it from there. Onc needs 2 get his thinking cap on & c if there is anything else out there that I can try. As it stands I have no chance of a trial due 2 not being fit enough with this gross wound & susceptibility 2 infection. 2 hosp admissions within the space of a month were the absolute pits.

Still I feel slightly more positive than in the days/hours preceding my appt.

4 anyone who wants a laugh picture this - as I've developed an allergy 2 adhesive dressings, nursing staff have had 2 b inventive in attempting 2 keep dressings attached 2 me. We've had the mummy look (aka bandage wrapped round me), then the stockinette bandage (aka the bag of onions look) & now I have a modified pair of incontinence knickers with the gusset cut out retaining the dressings in place - resembles a crop top! Think it will b all the rage in Paris nxt season darlings....

Back on yet more antibiotics & so far have managed 2 stay out of hosp- bn working my way round all the wards at the local hosp. Only have the mental health one & maternity 2 go (husband might take a funny turn at that one!!!)

Night peeps

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    oooph. Hurray for the liver. Boo to the bones. Alien boob could really do with a good kicking. Your nurses really are very resourceful. I can just imagine the Paris models sashaying down the catwalk wearing hospital robes back to front, whipping them open to reveal modified incontinence knicker boob tubes and perhaps with cardboard bedpans worn at a jaunty angle for hats. Hospital chic I think they’d call it. 

    I’m so sorry this is happening to you. 


  • I love that you can keep your humour despite all that is going on at the moment but really hope that things start to get better with your wound soon.  I think all of us know how difficult it is to deal with long term issues and how it can get you down.

    Now, back to the haute culture world of bandages!  I wondered if your nurses contacted a specialist burns unit to see what they do as they must encounter similar issues with bandages, albeit for different issues.  The other though was can they not get some bandages "tailor made" to fit you rather than having to chop up a pair of knickers?  I'm sure that if we could get @Daloni up to you she could knock something up, together with a matching pair of African pants and a lovely blanket to snuggle under.

    I'm really pleased to hear that you are managing to avoid hospital at the moment and hope that you can continue this trend.  I'm snowed under by appointments at the moment but fortunately all annual check ups or routine rather than emergency ones.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Oh @weeblonde that sounds a bit rubbish....but I guess you know what’s what rather than trying to guess what aches and pains are due to “sinister” things, as my doc would say.  And now your consultant knows what is happening inside too, hopefully they will put a plan in place.

    i really wish you all the best, here’s hoping for a wee break in the hospital stays, and some nice recovery time at home, Heather xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Haha Daloni. We could start a complete new humourous thread with NHS fashion but it can't involve actual clothing...will have a think.

    Yeah ife is pretty s*** but just have 2 carry on. The housework doesn't do its self so its beds, washing, cooking, dusting (hmmmm maybe,  although have enough dust on units etc that it resembles a drug den!)

    Was a busy week 4 appts just passed. Thurs was the only day I didnt visit someone in the NHS. Keep telling my GP practice that I'll b expecting an invite 2 their xmas "do" as I'm with them so much :)

    Enjoy weekend all

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So sorry you are going through this but pleased you can hold on to your sense of humour.