Busy couple of weeks coming up

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hi folks 

today I saw the urologist. The oncologists at the trials unit at UCLH are concerned about my kidney function and reckon the stent in my ureter is blocked. With the amount of pain I’m in, it wouldn’t surprise me. So they referred me to urology. But that’s at the local hospital. 

Today I saw the consultant urologist at my local hospital in Maidstone and he agreed. But he’s not sure the kidney is working at all so his plan is a test involving an injection of a radioactive isotope which they then track through the kidneys. If the kidney is working, he’ll replace the stent. That’s a day case procedure but involves a general anaesthetic. 

All that needs to take place before October 16 when I am due to start an immunotherapy trial. I also have to fit in a CT scan, a fancy blood test that requires a team from Cancer Research labs to come out with special kit and a biopsy. 

So it looks like I’ll either be waiting for hospital appointments or in hospital for much of the next fortnight. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni, re the travel costs, it might be worth asking if the trials unit have a fund to help with this, When i went on my trial at the christie they paid my travel expenses. If not you may be able to get some help from Macmillan. Allways worth asking. Hope everything goes okay for you xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks . The last trial I was on paid my travel expenses. This one doesn’t and I don’t think I qualify for nhs help with travel costs. But it’s worth checking again. 

  • Hi Daloni, I agree with Lynn2, it's always worth asking McMillan I'm sure will keep you right. Maybe you qualify for a disabled rail card! As far as I know, it's a one off small payment and then you get about a third off (or similar) the normal prices! You shouldn't have to go through all this and pay for it yourself as well!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Daloni

    Oh no, you're never far from adversity! 

    I have not been following the site much lately (I'll let you know in a new thread) so I had to go back a little after reading Annette's post to you about the travel expenses.

    I may have your answer. I know that it's not just exactly the same for you as it is for us in Northern Ireland. Just about the only good thing done by our on/off Assembly, (very much more off than on, I don't know why the rest of the UK aren't asking us to keep the noise down because we're screaming with frustration), was that in about 1996 give or take three years, it was made law that anyone suffering from ANY form of cancer is considered to have a disability, therefore we qualify for consessionary rates for transport etc. I believe, because I was doing some research into cancer and disability, that in GB it is only those who have what is considered a serious cancer, and I would put having an incurable cancer in that bracket, who are considered as having a disability. 

    That means that you should be able to claim a discount on all travel. As Annette so wisely says, (she's a great girl that Annette, fiver in the post? lol) if you pay a fee, I think it's £20 for 2 years and £30 for 3 years, you receive ⅓ discount on all travel by getting a Disabled Person's Discount Card. I have one myself that I use in GB because all over 60s here get free travel anyway subject to applying for a smart card. 

    So good luck with that Daloni, I reckon you should qualify as having a disability.

    I'm about to start a new thread now.


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    Thanks Annette, Lynn and tvman. I do in fact have a disabled persons railcard and it makes a big difference. Even with that, the travel costs this week will be over £50. I’ve said it before, it’s expensive having cancer. 

    Kick off is today (Tuesday) with blood tests. Then tomorrow I will head off for the first treatment session, stay overnight and home again on Thursday. I’ll take my crochet and my audiobook and take my self to some far away place in my imagination 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good luck for the next few days daloni. I hope everything goes smoothily you enjoy your audio book and get lots of crochet done and that place in your head is just wonderful! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You've already had to step up, stand down and take a big detour to get to another start line Daloni. I hope this week goes as smoothly as possible for you, you'll also be taking the love and positive vibes of all of us. Big hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    wishing  you good luck for your treatment take care. Xx

  • Hope all goes well Daloni. Take care


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Thanks all! Bloods today look ok so it’s all systems go tomorrow. They landed me with a surprise extra visit on Friday. So that means today for bloods; tomorrow for treatment; overnight for safety; Thursday for bloods; Friday for more bloods. Crikey! Lucky I have puppy loving neighbours. 

    The scan results weren’t great though. It looks as though it’s growth of the cancer into the blood vessels supplying the kidney that have caused it to pack up. I was a bit stunned by this and need to ask for clarification tomorrow. Gulp. 

    It’s big girl pants time in more respects than one. 