Busy couple of weeks coming up

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hi folks 

today I saw the urologist. The oncologists at the trials unit at UCLH are concerned about my kidney function and reckon the stent in my ureter is blocked. With the amount of pain I’m in, it wouldn’t surprise me. So they referred me to urology. But that’s at the local hospital. 

Today I saw the consultant urologist at my local hospital in Maidstone and he agreed. But he’s not sure the kidney is working at all so his plan is a test involving an injection of a radioactive isotope which they then track through the kidneys. If the kidney is working, he’ll replace the stent. That’s a day case procedure but involves a general anaesthetic. 

All that needs to take place before October 16 when I am due to start an immunotherapy trial. I also have to fit in a CT scan, a fancy blood test that requires a team from Cancer Research labs to come out with special kit and a biopsy. 

So it looks like I’ll either be waiting for hospital appointments or in hospital for much of the next fortnight. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have indeed had quite a bit of time on the sofa, . I managed to finish this blanket for my daughter. It’s going to brighten up her university digs no end. 

  • Oh it's lovely Daloni, Is it patchwork, sewn or knitted, it's difficult to tell from the photo! I'm sure she'll love it and it will remind her of home!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    that is beautiful, she’ll love it .

    take care 

    Tamencio xxc

  • Hi Daloni

    Lovely blanket indeed, Daloni. Absolutely says Daloni all over it! Your daughter will be as snug as a bug in a blanket lol. I'm as curious as Annette as to whether it's a patchwork quilt or knitted or crocheted (or is that the same as patchwork?) My mum used to crochet, my granny too. In fact when I was around 9 or 10 I used to make woolen rugs with one of those kits we used to get. I had a rug at my bedside that I made. It's just a fuzzy memory now though. 

    My wife will be looking at it when she gets back from taking the dog to the vet.

    Have a great day today Daloni.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Daloni,

    Still having issues with your camera or is that the just way up you wanted to display the blanket?  It looks beautiful whichever way you look at it.  I am very envious of your crafting skills but I'm only just recovered from the spinning about you gave me with your camera after the York meet up.  I was thinking of you and your family the other day as the BBC pitched up in Norwich and showed quite a lot of the city.  Not a place I have ever been but it looked to have quite a lot going for it.

    My mother in law has now left to go to stay with her other daughter and it is so much more relaxed now.  She is not a nasty person but like a lot of relatives is much nicer at a bit of distance or for limited periods of time.  I'm still trying to work out what to do about my pain.  The co-codamol was causing more problems with constipation and as I suspect that the oedema is interfering with my digestion anyway I stopped taking them and am trying to live with the pain as the moment and seeing if that is les problematic.  Most of the time it is a manageable dull ache with the occasional stabbing pain and so far better than the constipation.  If the pain does get too much I stall have the tablets.  I am going to discuss alternatives with my oncologist when I see him in a couple of weeks.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    that is absolutely gorgeous. I love the colours. You put me to shame because my cross stitch picture is no further forward.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi so nice to hear from you, so sad you have been at a low ebb. However crafting & puppies sound like the best way to get through these sodden winter days.  Hope you get on top of the pain & pleased the trial is ongoing xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon


    There is a motto that I’ve found to be common across countries, continents and cultures. In Italian it’s “hospitality is like a fish, after three days it begins to stink”. In East Africa it’s “after three days a guest should pick up a djembe” (agricultural tool). In other words, hospitality has its limits and they are short. My ex mother in law didn’t have the hang of this at all and used to visit for three to four weeks at a time. Lovely woman. Heart of gold. Cooked and cleaned to the extent of taking the pictures off the wall to dust behind them. We didn’t have much of a common language, her being Serbian and non English speaking and my grasp of Serbian shaky. I wasn’t able to explain why I laughed when she proposed to clean behind the fridge just weeks after Nigel Farage’s infamous fridge and proper woman comment. By day four I was ready to kill. I feel for you. 

    As for the photo orientation, I blame the website. They are the right way up on my phone. 

    I am sorry to hear you’re having pain problems. Opiates do bung you up. I didn’t take them until the pain became unmanageable and I now keep on top of the constipation with movicol to keep it soft and senna to keep it moving. Works a treat I find. 

    I’m glad you liked the look of Norwich. It’s a lovely city with lots going on and well worth a visit, I think. 

    Lots of love and big hugs right back to you 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for all your kind comments on the blanket. It’s crochet and it’s not nearly as difficult as it looks. Honest. 