Busy couple of weeks coming up

  • 249 replies
  • 46 subscribers

hi folks 

today I saw the urologist. The oncologists at the trials unit at UCLH are concerned about my kidney function and reckon the stent in my ureter is blocked. With the amount of pain I’m in, it wouldn’t surprise me. So they referred me to urology. But that’s at the local hospital. 

Today I saw the consultant urologist at my local hospital in Maidstone and he agreed. But he’s not sure the kidney is working at all so his plan is a test involving an injection of a radioactive isotope which they then track through the kidneys. If the kidney is working, he’ll replace the stent. That’s a day case procedure but involves a general anaesthetic. 

All that needs to take place before October 16 when I am due to start an immunotherapy trial. I also have to fit in a CT scan, a fancy blood test that requires a team from Cancer Research labs to come out with special kit and a biopsy. 

So it looks like I’ll either be waiting for hospital appointments or in hospital for much of the next fortnight. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Morning Daloni, hope your op goes smoothly today. xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I hope you don’t have to wait too long today. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good luck today be good to get this over and done with & hope you are in and out in no time xxxxx

  • Thank you for this really useful tip.

    I’m new to this forum and wondered how people were able to get messages to specific people.

    Good luck for your busy few days. You responded to me when I first joined. I’ll never forget that.

    Huge virtual hugs 

    Sharon xxxx

    Sharon xx

    Hubby - Left tonsil squamous cell carcinoma P16 positive with neck nodes T1N1M0 - 30 fractions of radiotherapy and 6 weeks of chemotherapy, Cisplatin in December / January 2019/20

    Me - Invasive lobular breast cancer - Grade 2, Stage 2 - mastectomy October 2019 - 15 fractions of radiotherapy December / January 2019/20 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    just wanted to say that I hope all goes well and send you best wishes xx

  • Good morning Daloni

    I hope all goes well for you this week, if each message of support from fellow incurables means a day that all goes well then you'll sail through the week Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Good luck Daloni, fingers crossed that all goes well. 


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi Maybug, we are going to Krakow. This morning I have woken up with a bad tummy - aargh!

    Tinalay, a week of sun and warmth is a fantastic tonic and am sureIsland️  you will enjoy 


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Thank you my fellow incorrigibles. I’m in the hospital gown and those lovely knee length socks. There are workmen with drills and generators outside the window. Things can only get better  Joy


  • FormerMember

    Dear Daloni

    I agree with everything that has been said to you today. The number of posts shows how much we care about you and how we appreciate all the support, kindness and patience you have shown to us. I will be thinking of you this week and hope they manage to sort out the pain you have been experiencing. I hope I will meet you in the flesh one day, you have been such an inspiration and comfort to me when I have had a down day and I  hope we can be a strong support for you and your daughters.

    Love Pat xx