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I saw my private Consultant tonight, she was quite upbeat. She makes me feel a little reassured. I am now on Tamoxifen as the Exemesrane has stopped working. My tumour markers are still under 100 although one has gone up..  She says we will have to see how the tumour responds to the Tamoxifen.  After this oral chemo will be the next step. She said I looked really well and the thing is I do most of the time.  I not showing any symptoms of the tumour on my liver apart from a bit of occasional nausea.  So the treatment is to try and stop the tumour from growing.  I asked about the possibility of having the tumour removed by surgery but  she said because of the type of cancer I have a tumour will just show up elsewhere so we are best trying to control the one on my liver.  I only picked up this tumour on my liver because I had a private scan. It would not have been picked up yet on the NHS as I am not due to see my NHS consultant until January and have not been offered any scans. Hope you are all as well as can be x

  • FormerMember


    That sounds reassuring. In general, the idea of treatment in incurable cancer is to stop the cancer growing and give us a good quality of life. 

    I remember one time I was having a wobbly moment when I’d heard my cancer marker had gone up. I had a chat with a clinical fellow (a senior junior doctor, as it were; not quite a consultant but close) who told me that the most important thing is how the patient feels. Next is what the scans show and third is what the cancer markers show. It really helped me to focus on how well I was feeling rather than worry about the numbers and images. 

    Have a great day 
