
  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hope everyone is ok hope u all dont mind me sharing my news 

Last chemo yesterday Kissing closed eyes

Picc line removed feels really weird not having a wired up arm 

Had a fantastic bath last nite hot water along with bath bombs and candles  and music (smooth radio station )

It's the small things I've really missed

Next stage scan on monday 30th (got use to them now I use to b scared going 4 them  Hugging

Oncologist on Thursday 3rď October  (where have the months gone far 2 quick )

Staying positive she has good news 4 me 

Kym  xx

  • Hi Kym

    That's great to hear that you have the PICC line out. TBH I don't know much about it except that it's essential for some people's treatment. For me, it's an injection in alternate legs weekly. I've had them for 4 years, 200 odd injections.

    Keep up the positivity Kym, I'm currently doing a course with Arthritis NI (Northern Ireland) and positivity is a central feature of the corriculum. 

    Hope you get good results from your scan on Monday and you're back here letting us know good news.

    Take care Kym.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Tvman 

    Hope u r feeling well  (sounds so silly asking that question) 

    Thank you for your kind words 

    I do hope you are enjoying your course Arthritis NI  sounds very interesting if I can not go back to work full time I am thinking of doing some more courses after I've finished my adult numeracy  and adult literacy  I am thinking maybe something along the lines of counselling 

    Kym x

  • FormerMember

    That's great news. We like 2 hear the good news & well as the not so nice kind.

    I had a PICC 4 6months but I absolutely loathed it. Found it 2 restrictive & the staff at my local practice had varying abilities 2 deal with the maintenance of it. The only good point was no cannulas 4 the chemo but I still needed them 4 some of my scans.

    Good luck with the scan & appt. I have my nxt CT scan on Wed followed by Onc on the Fri - not expecting it 2 b good news but stable would b nice...

    Miss a long lovely soak in the tub or even a luxurious shower but as u still have this disgusting wound that's regularly dressed it's a struggle. Don't worry I am still washing- no flies circulating around my head.

    Oh well coffee break over.


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    Thank you  yes I had all the omg missing a bath so much fly  jokes from friends  but they made me smile which I found a nice normal feeling. 

    Good luck with your scan and appointment  Wednesday and Friday ,I will b sending positive vibes to u along with a virtual hug xx

    Kym xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Oh I remember the relief and sheer joy of finishing chemo. Ok there were the side effects to go through for that cycle but to know that it was the last time - such a good feeling. 

    I hope you get good news from your oncologist. You deserve it 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni

    Thank you I feel like I'm on a count down till thursday dont know y but I keep breaking down in tears for no reason 

    Think I've made the last side affects worst with my empty thinking 

    All I keep thinking is Thursday not what will oncologist say just the word thursday just cant get pass thursday  had scan yesterday (monday)  same instructions  breath in hold your breath and breath  omg think I'm going mad I know what the scan machine is going to say .to me 

    Waking up at stupid o'clock thinking Thursday then I cry 

    Kym xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh ! Poor you! Is it the combo of steroids, relief at the end of the chemo, the uncertainty over results, sheer exhaustion after months of treatment? I know how hard chemo can be. It’s not just the physical part but also the dangers we face around infection and the courage it takes to face the world when we look like we’ve been poisoned. And that’s for starters. 

    I think it’s no surprise that you’re tearful. Now is the time to be kind to yourself and tell yourself it’s ok to cry, give yourself a hanky and make yourself a cup of tea. Be your own best friend. 

    I’m so sorry that all I can do is send you a virtual hug, but know that it’s heartfelt 
