
  • 8 replies
  • 43 subscribers


My husband is away for two nights and I am sitting here on my own with my dog dwelling on morbid things far too much.  Tears coming far too easily. I try not to  cry when me husband is at home but sometimes it gets the better of me.  I gave up a while ago and rang the Macmillan helpline, just to chat. A sympathetic neutral ear made me feel better.  I am seeing my Consultant on Friday but she has already  changed my med and after this I am told its oral chemo.  Here I go again, tears falling.  I f*****g hate feeling like this.  Sometimes I think I wish it was just over, I'm sick of this so called journey. I'm ready to get off this train.   I'd like some good news for a change. Sorry all for being so down. Hope you are as well as can be x

  • Hi Ellie,

    I don’t normally post in here but stumbled across your post and couldn’t not respond. I am really feeling for you. In my experience, those thoughts are more painful than anything I’ve ever felt physically. What helped me was to recognize that those thoughts are and can only ever be temporary - they can’t and won’t last forever. And please reach out for support in whatever way you can, whenever you need it.

    Also, distraction is key. Try and get your mind to focus on something else.

    Thinking of you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to greg777

    Hello Greg

    Thanks for your reply.  I just  needed to vent a bit. 



  • Hi Ellieellie, You vent all you like! We are all here for you!

    By the way, were you so good, they named you twice!! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Ellieellie, it’s allowed. Your feelings are completely understandable, and you’re giving a voice to something many of us will have felt, even if we haven’t put it into words. That’s going to help other people in this situation, and is very brave.

    As is phoning the help line, good for you.

    As Greg said, this will pass. We can’t escape grief, and I think it would be more harmful to pretend it’s not a big part of what we experience. Vent when you need to, get the help you need when you can. You’ve got this.

    I really hope you get some good news on Fri, otherwise it’s just relentless.

    Thinking of you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hmmm. I’m trying to think of something that might cheer you up. Give me a moment. Oh yes. I went to choir last week and was very upset when I left as someone had gone off with my nice rain jacket and left their grotty old one. Cue email to choir secretary - no one owned up. Boo! Shame on them. 

    So imagine my embarrassment when, three days later, I found my raincoat and realised I’d worn the grotty one to choir and it was my jacket on the peg in the church hall. Oops. 

    I am just back from choir. Grotty jacket still there. I couldn’t  get away with slinking out quietly as the choir secretary was there too, all concerned. I owned up. 

    Have a good cry, Ellie. It’s ok. You won’t always feel like this but it’s probably necessary to go through it. Better out than in 

    lots of love 


  • FormerMember

    Hello Ellie, 

    I just saw your post & it struck such a chord with me that I had to respond. I sometimes wish it was just over, too, and when that feeling hits everything seems hopeless. But Greg is right. The feeling doesn't have to last. Hope comes back.You are already doing the right thing, taking steps to climb out of the black hole. Good for you. 

    Don't apologise for being down. This site is a place where we can share the bad times as well as the good. Vent all you wish.

    I hope you get some good news on Friday.


  • Ellie Ellie

    Sometimes I want it to be over - but then I think, hang on, actually no, I am not going to just fade away because someone told me I have this stupid disease. 

    Don't apologise for feeling sad - it's understandable. Xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Hope you are feeling bit better, absolutely know that feeling!

    nothing wrong with a good cry generally with back up chocolate & cup of tea i think!

    it is so hard and my hubby has been away for few boys weekends , actively encouraged by me but I’ve been the same when he has gone, please don’t feel alone.

    Thinking of you, hoping something good comes your way soon.