Metastatic BC Just Diagnosed and shellshocked

  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello everyone

i was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Because I am BRCA2+, I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction and chemotherapy. Also, ovaries and Fallopian tubes removed, prophylactically, the following year. 

2016 to my horror, BC returned with 2 new primary tumours. Surgery followed by chemo and radiotherapy.

ive been having chest pains since November last year which was (mis)diagnosed, variously, as anxiety,  costochondritis, nerve pain and contracture of breast implants. Finally, a bright spark sent me for a bone scan and secondaries have been found in my ribs and sternum. Also, there may be a shadow on my lung (noticed by my consultant on an unrelated abdominal CT scan I had in June which shows just the bottom of my lungs)

During those same 10 years, I have also undergone multiple abdominal surgeries for ulcerative colitis, culminating in the total removal of my colon and rectum.

I was just beginning to feel I was getting some kind of normality back in my life and this has hit me hard. I’m so shocked. The sense of unreality is overwhelming at times.

Now I’m waiting for another CT scan to see if it’s anywhere else - hopefully in the next day or two. Oncologist appointment is next Tuesday to see what the score is and what treatment to expect. 

A very “helpful” friend told me that as I’ve had chemo for breast cancer twice already, my treatment options will be very limited. FFS. Is this true? I know there’s no cure for me but I am at least hoping for some good treatment to keep me going a long time! 

At least now the doctors realise there really is something badly wrong, I’ve got some decent pain relief! Small mercies!

thanks to all you bloody amazing people for the support x

  • Hey Suzie,

    The number of people with breast cancer diagnoses, who later have pains and AREN'T immediately sent for a scan of the bones is disgusting. You're sadly def not alone on that one!

    Now, this friend of yours.... Have they had breast cancer? Have they had any cancer? Are they a doctor or medically trained at all? If the answer to these is no, kindly tell your friend where to shove it..... ;) There are all sorts of things going on these days, and I'm sure some ladies or gents with first hand knowledge will be along soon with more knowledge than I on the subject!

    Take care of yourself! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thanks Lass

    im not overly surprised at a GP missing it but my bloody oncologist missed it in May this year. Shocking, especially as I’ve had breast cancer twice before. I’m sure it wouldn’t have affected the outcome but i was honestly  left thinking I’ve been being a bit of a baby about how much pain I felt. I’m pretty hard on myself about these things! But now I know it’s cancer in my bones - no wonder! My GP looked quite sheepish when I handed her back the amatryptalene she prescribed 2 weeks ago for “nerve pain” in exchange for a script for Oromorph. 

  • FormerMember


    I have an urge to swear. Proper Anglo Saxon really bad swearing. Then take your “friend” out for another swearing session. Then look on the bright side re the various treatment options including parp inhibitors and immunotherapy and re the pain relief. 

    You come across as a very tough individual but I can imagine this has indeed hit you hard after everything you’ve already been through. I’m really sad you’ve had to go through so much. I hope your oncologist is suitably contrite and has a good offer for you next week. 

    Meantime welcome to the community and the incorrigible group. I’m pondering the success of a budgie with a blunt beak. I’m sure the penny will drop. Probably at 3am. 

    Hugs xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you daloni

    I’ve done an awful lot of Anglo Saxon style swearing myself in the past few days, I can tell you! Cancer isn’t the only word in my vocabulary beginning with C you know!!

    The oncologist I’m seeing next week is a different one to the last. Unfortunately my wonderful oncologist of 8 years left 2 years ago and I’ve seen someone different each time since. I’m sure she would never have missed the new and escalating pain. The only reason it’s been found now is because I self referred back to the breast clinic. 

    I don’t really know what questions to ask next week - beyond how long I’m likely to survive. My 12 year old son knows nothing at the moment as I’m waiting until I see the oncologist and can answer more of his questions. It’s breaking my heart every time I look at him, knowing what I know and what I can’t protect him from much longer. 

    I have a feeling I’m going to need this group a lot in the coming days. 


    ps it’s a play on words succeeds and sucks seeds Blush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I’m glad I didn’t have to wait until 3am Joy

    The jury is out in this community on the “how long” question. Me, not so much in favour of asking unless there is a specific reason such as “are you able to write a letter for the mortgage life insurance saying I’ve got less than 12 months to live?”  The mortgage was paid off three years ago now. 

    I’m with you on the issue of talking to the kids. Mine are now  15 and 19. I just saw my big girl off to university. At one time I didn’t think I’d live to see that day. It’s maybe a discussion for another day but I think you’re right for now to wait until you know more. 

    I’m with you on quite a few things, in fact. The swearing. The brca (I’m brca1). I was born in 1964 - were you too? 

    It’s my bedtime. I’m signing off now. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yes to 1964! Possibly yes to the life insurance letter too. Is that what happened to you 3 years ago? I don’t really know what I want to know. Or need to know. I just want to go away with my boy, just me and him and never come back. Obviously that’s not going to happen but wouldn’t it be nice if we could just run away from it all? 

    Night night xx

  • Aw SuzieGirl, 

    Welcome to the group but I would rather have met you elsewhere. 

    You have met some of the old timers of the group so far, I'm another one. Only thing different with me is that I'm a bloke! I don't profess to know much about breast cancer, save what I have come across in this group which is now a good bit more than the ordinary Joe. 

    Probably doesn't matter which cancer you have, there's always a well-intentioned friend who knows about your cancer and can give advice. I prefer to listen to a medical person with knowledge of mine which is MDS, a bone marrow cancer. I have a wonderful Haematologist who isn't averse to getting off her chair and coming round the table to give me a big hug Slight smile

    I have a few other illnesses too, one of which is spinal stenosis which has meant I'm now a wheelchair user, I was diagnosed with the spinal stenosis 3 months after the cancer diagnosis so for a while, I wasn't in the partying mood. 

    I'm awake at least twice almost every night because of pain and there are several others, all nice people that if I were given a wand, I would love to cure them. 

    Our Daloni has gone through more than most would in a lifetime. She's a very intelligent girl, is a mine of information and very well read. Unfortunately she must've missed reading The Big Book of Crap Jokes and One Liners! It's ok Daloni, you didn't miss much, did you watch Freddie Parrot Face Davis in black and white on the telly or see him headline a show on the Central Pier in Blackpool? Those were the days (my friend, I thought they'd never end......) Thankfully they did lol. Sorry Daloni, you know I love you really.

    Well SuzieGirl, I hope you get the best care and attention for your cancer and keep in touch, yeah?

    Take care

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.