Thanks to MacMillan Nurse and the group

  • 3 replies
  • 41 subscribers

For those who followed my strange day ahead posts I want to say a big thank you for all your support and also the the support line nurse who listened to my story and helped me put some questions together. 

My husband and I met the oncologist today and showed a united front. 

My Drug is now to be continued, I am having RT but this was explained much more positively and he is more positive himself about finding a chemo drug that can be modified to help. 

Today we feel much more positive and are off on a little break tomorrow in Yorkshire. 

The nurse in the meeting spoke to my husband afterwards and said my fighting spirit is what is keeping me alive but it needs the help of the treatment and kind friends like you to give the courage to challenge stupid decisions. 

  • FormerMember


    Well, you warrior. You sound much more like yourself. I’m so glad you were able to challenge your oncologist, get some answers and more importantly get the right treatment. You go, girl! 


  • Hi MAZ59, I was so pleased to read your post. It sounds like things are settling and you and your husband feel better for it!  I do think a lot of patients just say "yes doctor" but when you know something isn't right, you need to tackle it, exactly like you just did. No one, including the professionals are right all the time! After all, we are all human!

    Enjoy a well deserved break away!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    Yeeeaaah. Standing up for yourself can be so empowering. 

    Hope you are going on your break feeling so much more in control of the situation. 
