Checked in Again

  • 13 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Morning everyone

Speaking 2 u from my holiday home aka hospital. The mutant alien boob is cellulitic & doc sent me here on Monday after my regular trip 2 have the dressing changed. She really had wanted me 2 go 2 hosp last Fri 4 IV antibiotics but stubborn old me said let's try oral ones 1st.

The joy of staying & working in the same town as the hospital is at least I could make a detour home 4 my overnight bag & meds. However, I don't envy the person who had 2 tidy my desk as I'd nipped out of work 2 go 2 my clinic not thinking I wouldn't return.

So bn here 2 nights, bored beyond belief - as u know I hate not being active.

Due 2 my skin reacting2 the continual dressing with adhesive dressings the skin on & around the alien is horrible so the nurses have bn using non-adhesive ones held in place with a variety of bandages. I resemble a mummy, they've had them anchored over my shoulder so they don't fall off - very fetching. 

Shall c wot docs say 2day. Annoying thing is that I don't feel ill!!!!!

Love 2 u all

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Ok so who's gonna form an escape plan 4 me???? Just bn told I could b here 7-10 days. A nice cake with a file or some knotted sheets would b fab.

    Excitement last night was being evacuated from the hospital when the fire alarm was activated. 3 fire engines with many hunky firemen was a plus. Downside was being outside in the cold wearing shorts & t-shirt & 1/2 a fleece (couldnt get the arm with the cannula onto the sleeve) 4 well over an hour. 

    Oh look lunch is on it's way! Best way 2 lose weight is the hospital food diet - its pretty dreadful here. 


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Jeezo that’s ages! I am trying to think of positive things to say.......em.....the jelly is nice, do they do the wee tubs of jelly like in Edinburgh? I hope there is nice friendly folk on the ward and most importantly you have your phone charger and a big stack of books to read.

    much commiserations but hopefully the IV antibiotics will do the trick and they will leave you out early for good behaviour.

    love heather xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Wee blonde, it’s a good job you’ve got a sense of humour. You certainly need it at the moment. Cherry blossom

    I wouldn’t mind a hunky fireman or two though.

  • Oh WB, how are you doing? It seems a long time to be in hospital, but I suppose they know best. I hope you get some rest and that everything heals quickly.


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Thanx chums. All is a riot in this room as both cellmates have bn asleep since b4 9pm. So glad I have the ipad cos I don't think they'd appreciate me putting the tv on...

    Yes they have jelly on the menu which is one of the only edible things. For 2 days its bn soup, sarnie 4 lunch & salad 4 tea (my choice as everything else just didnt float my boat).

    My probs with the reaction 2 the sticky dressings has created some laughs amongst the nurses (in a nice way). They were experimenting over their uniforms how best 2 apply bandages that might actually stay put without any tape being applied 2 my skin. I now have a stockinette type dressing over my trunk that sort of resembles a bag that onions comes in.- the dressing not my body in case u wondered. However, this is proving 2 b a bit itchy - perhaps if I tape my hands 2 my sides I'll not itch!!!

    I should b fit 4 chemo nxt week as bloods r fine but will think about this mon/tues.

    No excitement with fire alarms 2nite (so far), so it'll b off 2 bed 4 me soon 2 as well. Love hospitals when they wake u up at the crack of dawn.

    Take care peeps

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I hope you get home soon. Had to post in to say thanks for cheering me up with the onion description, I am still laughing, you are a better tonic than meds.! Keep posting!

    nite nite

    love pat xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Great news they are throwing me out 2day. Why the change of heart? Who knows but I'm packed & have bn since 11am. Yes, as u can c its 3.30pm & still waiting 4 flippin pharmacy & doctor's letter.

    Apparently my bloods r fine but they were fine y'day 2.... Not going 2 argue, I'm happy 2 neck back the oral antibiotics.

    Ooh maybe get some sleep 2nite.

    Over & out

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So frustrated by 2day. 6.25pm by the time I was cleared 2 leave the hospital armed with my bags of goodies. 3 of us out of a room of 4 were waiting 2 get kicked out & yeah, I was last being the more complex patient. 

    Roll on Wed when I head back 2 the same hospital 4 chemo #3 of the E.C. regime (health permitting)

    However, looking 4ward 2 my own comfy bed 2nite, cuddled up 2 hubbie. My 4 legged friends aren't letting me out of their sight...miss their mum.

    No long lie 2morrow- the carpet fitter is.coming at 8am. Who booked him 4 such a silly time? Oh that would b Mr WB.

    Night all

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    I’ve just caught up with the high jinx of your last few days. Honestly, there is some kind of Terry Gilliam cartoon / Buster Keaton movie playing across my mind’s eye as I read it. The mummy, the hunky firemen and the semi clothed mummy, the mummy transformed to onion bag....

    I’m so glad you’re home. Good luck with the carpet fitters and the chemo 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Daloni my life is just one big adventure that gives everyone a good laugh ;)


    WB xx