Type of brain tumour

  • 3 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi , i got diagnosed in November with a Right midline thalamic astrocytoma (diffuse midline glioma) was just wondering if anyone else has the same diagnosis its mainly found in children but i was 28 when i got told even the drs were surprised and said its rare they unfortunately told me i had 10 months left up to 2 years with radiotherapy which i finished in February. 

  • Hi kizs90,welcome to the community tho I'm sorry u find yourself here.

    I suggest  u repost this in the Brain tumours group, which I notice you've already joined

    Also, you might want to join the Diagnosed at a young age group?.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizs90,

    I'm so, so sorry to meet you here. Life can be very cruel, and to have this happen at such a young age is just shocking and heartbreaking.

    It's important to talk to people in a similar position, and in your case, of a similar age. I looked at your profile, and really hope that since finishing your treatment you've been able to find a way to enjoy life. 

    I don't know anything about your diagnosis, and can't begin to  imagine how much harder this is in your late 20's, but hope there will be others who can offer support, help you find a way through and maybe even give you hope of a better prognosis.

    Thinking of you xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie

    I just read your profile too. Lordy, what a horrible time you’ve had of it. Like Tina, I can’t imagine how you face up to a diagnosis and prognosis like that at your age when you should have everything to look forward to. I am so very sad for you. 

    I liked the part in your profile where you said you hoped you’d find the motivation to enjoy your life. I had radiotherapy to my pelvis a few years ago and I know how tiring I found that. It took a good while to recover. How are you getting on with recovery and with finding your mojo? 

    It really can help to talk to someone with a similar diagnosis and that’s not me - good luck with your hunt. This group is always here for you anyway, whether for a rant or to hear all about the things you can and do enjoy. 

    Love and hugs 
