I may need a holiday?

  • 10 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi All,

I have been on holiday with my wife and son so have only just been catching up with everything that has been going on.

Overall the holiday was OK but there were a few times that I wished I had just stayed at home. We got off to a poor start. We were all set to go, bags packed and car loaded, paperwork in hand and just the last minute checks to do. I went into the bathroom to close the window and as I did so the handle snapped and came off in my hand. I could not close the window or secure it. I ended up having to loop a bit of string around the latch and pull the window closed tying the string around the bath taps to keep it closed. Not very secure but the best I could do in the time available. But I left our home feeling flustered and sweaty.

I drove us from North Yorkshire to our overnight stay in Canterbury which we found despite the best efforts of google maps. We needed to be off relatively early so we planned to be down promptly for breakfast. We arrived at the dining room five minutes after breakfast started to find that there were no tables left and had to queue. We had allowed plenty of time but I could feel my anxiety rising.

After breakfast we drove to the Eurotunnel and got there in plenty of time. My wife and son popped in to use the loo and get some drinks for our journey. As we left the terminal to go to the area where you embark I realised that we had a flat tyre. This had obviously happened as we pulled into the terminal car park as I had checked them before we left home and they felt fine as we pulled in.

All the suitcases out of the boot, emergency wheel out. Me flat out on the ground struggling to get the jack under the car but got the wheel off and the emergency wheel on. Suitcases and punctured wheel back in the boot and we actually managed to catch our scheduled train. I was anxious again, grubby, and again sweaty.

Arrived in France early on Sunday afternoon and Dr Google confirmed that there were no tyre services open on Sunday afternoon. We then had to drive to Luxembourg in a car with an emergency tyre which should not be driven above 50 mph. We stopped once for fuel for the car and a sandwich each which we ate as we drove the 266 miles to our destination and I could feel my stress rising as we went along. We arrived at 6:55pm, just 5 minutes before we had been advised reception should close. It was here that I realised I had left one of my medications behind. Fortunately it was one that I could manage without for a short period.

Monday morning I went to a local tyre fitter (about 15 miles away) to be told that the tyres on the front had to match and they did not have a Pirelli tyre in stock. They could order one but it would take about 4 days (we were due to leave in 4 days) or they had Goodyear tyres at £100 each plus fitting. The very helpfully suggested that I try another supplier in town before making a decision. The alternative tyre fitters also did not have any Pirelli’s in stock but did have a tyre on offer at 80 euros so I said that I would take two of them. “Very good sir we can fit them at 2pm tomorrow”….. Can they not be done now? “I’m sorry sir but we are fully booked until then.” Very frustrating as I know in the UK I could call into most tyre fitters and have a matching tyre fitted in 30 minutes for about £80. Another half day wasted having to go back for the tyre fitting.

We enjoyed the rest of our time in Luxembourg although we had not seen as much of the area as we had hoped to. We then visited our friends in Germany for a couple of days and had a lovely time.

We then travelled to Northern Alsace where we were booked in for a week. I decided to buy seven days wifi internet access as my teenage son was going through withdrawals and I thought that we could use my laptop to watch a few movies, chat to all my lovely friends here on the Mac site and get more detail about local attractions. I paid for a week for two devices, registered my son’s mobile and my laptop. The next morning my laptop died. (It remains dead and I am using my late mothers laptop with it’s Windows 7 system to write this until I can purchase a replacement. I keep trying to use functions that did not exist when this machine was built!) As the machine was not working I was not able to log on with it to deregister it so I could not even connect my own phone to the wifi.

We enjoyed our time in Alsace but rather than driving back to the Channel Tunnel directly we broke the journey overnight at Reims and then stayed at Le Touquet the night before we travelled back. In Reims my front tooth broke off. I have had capped from teeth since I was aged 11 and as a teenager regularly broke the caps playing rugby so aged 18 they fitted steel ones with ceramic fronts. The tooth had been filed down about the nerve and the cap cemented on. The nerve in the right tooth had obviously given up the ghost and after 40 years the little bit of tooth holding it on gave way as well. Totally painless but not good to look at and it is a struggle to talk clearly.

On to Le Touquet. Lovely day until at bedtime my son said that he was not feeling well. Felt his forehead and he was really hot. Gave him paracetamol to try and regulate his temperature but had to leave him to my wife to look after as I needed to drive us back up to North Yorkshire the next day. He had very little sleep and was still not well the next day. Up really early and actually made really good time getting home, wife and son sleeping for much of the drive.

When we did stop for a break I rang my dentist to try and book an emergency appointment. I was advised that they were struggling to recruit a replacement for a dentist who left several months ago and they were having to cancel all appointments at a weeks notice and could only suggest that I call NHS direct on 111.

We got back on Monday evening but I think I need a holiday to recover from my holiday! The places we visited were beautiful and we did have a good time with some lovely food and drink and sites seen but still!

My son felt much better the next day and returned to school today. I rang 111 regarding my tooth and got no joy and was going to talk to my oncologist as I can only have dental treatment when I am off treatment due to the risk of osteonecrosis. I then got a phone call this morning from my dentist. They have appointed a new dentist and I have an appointment for this Friday! Bloomin’ marvellous!

Anyway, I’m off to start planning next years holiday, all the best,

Gragon xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gragon,

    sounds like you had one hell of a adventure for your holiday, glad you enjoyed your time away but bet your shattered with everything now and I hope next years goes without any hitches. Glad your son is feeling better and made it back to school. Good luck with dentist nothing worse waiting or trying to find a new dentist.

    think you’ve had enough adventures for now so hope you can rest up


    ok daisy 

  • FormerMember

    Oh dear 

    full of adventure , some you could do without !!

    Glad you are all back and son is ok , and you and wife !!

    we now use waze to show us route for car journey , just download the app ,you just have to trust it but is fantastic 


  • FormerMember

    Welcome home Gragon. Smiley

    I'm exhausted just reading about your holiday! So glad the good bits were good, because the bad bits sound very stressful!!

    We're on the countdown to Cephalonia, and are going to stay at Manchester Airport the night before to keep things as easy as possible.

    Struggling with insurance, and have been asked to provide information about how many months I'm expected to live after our return, sigh.

    The stumbling blocks are that the liver tumour has grown, I take daily painkillers and I've had a recent hospital admission. 

    Will go without cover for anything cancer related which I was expecting.

    Hope the dentist will restore your smile to it's former glory.

    lots of love xx

  • I enjoyed reading about your holiday which was well written and entertaining.

    sorry you had so may troubles. You will remember this holiday.

    we are off on the Eurotunnel to Brussels on September 11th and hope to have an uneventful time. We are not driving though just going by train.

    i will let you know how it goes 


  • I'm exhausted just reading it all - a lie down in a dark room with a stiff drink sounds as if it's called for. The dentist might not agree. 

    Thanks for sharing - great read!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Thank you for your holiday report, is it wrong that I chuckled? Hope the good days made up for all the misfortunes and at least it would make you appreciate getting home! Thank you for sharing it with us, it was a great read x

  • FormerMember

    Oh crikey Gragon that's one hell of a holiday. Sounds like a comedy movie - one perhaps starring John Cleese where anything that could go wrong does go wrong.

    Certainly not a relaxing vacation that you'd imagined. Never mind, onwards & upwards. With fingers crossed 4 getting the tooth repaired & then u can give everyone a toothy grin as u retell the holiday from hell.

    Take care

    WB x 

  • Blimey Gragon! It sounds as if you managed to have a good time despite all the hiccups. Glad you are home in one piece and everyone is well. 


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Blimey, . It sounds as though everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. Please tell me you didn’t come home to find burglars had broken in through the bathroom window? How’s the tooth? How’s the boy? 

    Maybe a staycation next time? 

    Lots of love 


  • Hi Gragon, I haven't been on here for a bit due to another virus! They just keep finding me! So I've just read your holiday antics and the replies also! Boy, when things go wrong, they go really wrong! Poor you! I think maybe Ruth has the right idea, taking the train, as long as it runs and doesn't break down of course! Then you could hire a car when you get there maybe!

    I must admit, we have stopped doing long car journeys because I get so sore sitting in the one place for any length of time. I don't remember reading about your wife taking a turn of the driving! Did she? Can she? They do say if you have a really great holiday, you feel as if you need a holiday when you get home! However, not for the reasons you wrote about!

    Good luck at the dentist on Friday, you'll be glad to get your smile back! We go away at the end of the month to Salou for two weeks of just chilling out! I hope! Before that though, lots of appointments! Why do they always all come at once!

    I hope your son is still fine and your wife and you have a relaxing weekend! You definitely deserve it! I hope your expensive tyres last a very long time!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!