Did u Hear Me Scream?

  • 10 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Evening all. So another frustrating day...

Expecting a few hours up at hospital whilst they topped up my red but it was a painful day in more than one way.

1st stop the nurse 4 a dressing change. Aaaaggggghhhhhhh the non-stick dressing had stuck 2 my wound...screamed & cried as nursie "gently" pull it off (tried 2 soak it). My chest was throbbing & my BP must have bn sky high. Good news I return on Friday 

2nd stop check into hosp 4 my blood transfusion. Nearly an hour b4  we started. Then I felt nauseous so everything stopped whilst doc called out. All good lets start again. Temperature was all over the place - nursie couldn't decide if it was me or their equipment (tried 2 different devices).

3 hours per bag. 2 bags = 6 hours. Losing will 2 live. Gutted as this was a day I didnt get 2 spend with ma girl. Still currently feeling a bit bleurghh. 

Roll on 2morrow as the 2 of us head off 4 our Rest & Relaxation Pedicure (actually hate being touched but I will suffer 4 time with ma girl.

Onward & upward 2morrow! Plus side though,  BA have finally agreed 2 reimburse us 4 all the items bought when daughter's suitcase went missing in the USA plus the replacement case (arrived 7 days late smashed 2 smithereens). Only took 11 weeks!!!

Night folkies

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear about your really awful day.

    I hope tomorrow is a better day by far.

    Enjoy spending time with your girl.

    Goodnight x

  • Sorry to hear u had a rough time of it Wee blonde, hope ur feeling better now and am able to "suffer" the pampering haha


    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Ah, Wee Blonde I hope you are feeling better and manage to enjoy your pampering session.

    Take care xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember


    what a horrible day. I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to reading and replying. How was the pedicure and how are you feeling now?  I’m a bit like you about being touched by strangers and I’ve never had a pedicure. I think I’d find it a bit embarrassing tbh. 

    Good news about the reimbursement but what a wait! BA really need to up their game. 

    I’m looking forward to spending some time with my girl next week. She’s off to university soon and has been simply ghastly to me all summer - cutting the apron strings combined with exhaustion during her two-month long back-to-back holiday and festival extravaganza I think. She’s been back at work for a couple of weeks and has calmed down somewhat now. She has next week off so we will have the ikea run to do but I hope some fun stuff too. 

    I do hope you’re feeling better now 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi D, how u feelin? 

    Thankfully last Wednesday was a one off & the week did improve.

    The pedicure was a real giggle. I still don't really like being touched but it was an afternoon with ma girl & I never knew we were both so ticklish- 2 the point of laughing out loud. 

    Now have a v sore toe though as my ingrown toenail is playing up (again) & I dropped my phone the other night & typical it landed on the only sore digit aaagghhhh. 

    BA r pants & we really wouldn't use them again in a hurry.

    And as usual I had mini tears as my girl departed back 2 uni with her jam packed car. Typically she 4got something- "mum I 4got my heels!". Oh no disaster!!!!! However a friend was making the 4 hour drive the next day 2 drop off her daughter so heels made it down the road.

    Thank heavens 4 WhatsApp & Facetime cos we check in daily.

    What's ur girl off 2 study?

    Better get up, work beckons - after another trip 2 c nursie 4 a dressing change...


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    well that’s good news - that your week improved. And phew! The heels made it. 

    My daughter is off to UEA to study biology with education. She wants to be a science teacher. She’s currently working at the school where she did her a’levels as a learning support assistant. She was supposed to finish there in July but they keep asking her back for one thing or another. She keeps going back as it’s her safe haven. That and the pay.

    She came home from work yesterday to tell me about getting one of the year 11 kids out of the special needs department and into a classroom. She had a feeling he gets frightened in the corridors when everyone changes lessons so she asked him if he didn’t like going in the corridors, then made a list of things that might be scary that included some ridiculous things and asked him to tick off the ones he didn’t like. Noise was a big one. So she said that right now, there’d no kids in the corridors so let’s go explore. They did - and she got him into a lesson. First time for ages. I think that’s blooming genius. She’s only 19. I asked her where she learned that technique and she said nowhere - it’s just something she thought of. 

    I am doing better than I have in a long time. I’ve got on top of the pain with some help from the hospice nurse. I’ve been off treatment since the third week in August so I feel as if the poison is clearing my system. I know it’s a brief respite - I’m off the treatment because it stopped working but the tumours are mostly too small to be causing any problems just yet. But I’ll take that respite and enjoy it. 

    Enjoy your day xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm despairing of this dressings malarkey!

    Today the skin has decided enough is enough & I've a lovely allergic reaction on all the areas that have bn covered by any sort of dressing (sticky & non-sticky) & adhesive tape (both gentle & not-so-subtle kind). Red raw & itchy as hell. 

    So now they have me trussed up like a chicken. Imagine the bandaging like they might have used 2 prevent women growing breasts in days gone by. So have bandaging round my chest & also over one shoulder 2 keep it anchored in place. Skin is hot & itchy because of the bandages...heeeeellllppppppp. How much more of this torture can I take?

    The best thing would b 2 go "au naturelle" & let the air get 2 it but the wound is still leaking so not an option.

    My moan 4 the day. But 2morrow is another day...

    Night all

    WB xx

  • Can you pop an ice pack on it? Well, hold it to your chest where the hottest and most angry bits are. 

    Maybe the cold will numb and soothe it a bit for you?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi WB, So sorry to hear you are in a state! I know what you mean, I'm allergic to micropore and they seem to use it for everything! I felt like shouting too as when I told them I couldn't use it, the nurse said "no one is allergic to micropore but a lot of people have a reaction to plasters! Are you sure that's not what you mean?" Aaaaah! I know what I mean!

    Anyway,Lass's suggestion of  an ice pack sounds like a good idea but it would have to be a dry ice pack as you don't want to get the wound or bandages wet! Hope it heals soon! Hang in there!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh WB! The tales I could tell you of sitting extremely still and concentrating on not scratching itchy bits! Despair is the right word. I take it you’ve popped an antihistamine or three? 

    I do hope it starts to subside soon  
