A year ago today

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  • 42 subscribers

A year ago today I got my bowel cancer diagnosis but it had been caught just in time before the stage where it had spread and was incurable.  I didn’t know at that time in a matter of months I would be told that it had in fact spread to my lungs so they wouldn’t be operating after all and I was in fact incurable.

I worried about my son and his 18th birthday approaching.  I worried about my mum who is 88 and has dementia.  I worried about all our retirement dreams being shattered (to move to a new home and go on a family cruise).

I have been cushioned by so many well wishes and prayers, some from people I barely know and a big giant heap of love.

And guess what?  I have celebrated my son’s 18th with him.  I have organised all the help my mum needs to enable her to continue living in her own home with only a little help from me now.  We moved into our lovely new home in June this year followed by a fantastic cruise.  I am also going to see my son start university to study for his neuroscience degree in a couple of weeks time.

I would really love to celebrate my son’s 21st with him and also see him graduate.  I am full of hope.

Have a lovely day everyone xx

  • FormerMember

    I think that’s a lesson on making sure we do less worrying and have more hope, no matter what the circumstances! Congratulations on all you achieved this year, here’s to more in the coming year, have a lovely evening, Heather x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sheena. I’m so pleased to hear that you’ve had so many lovely experiences with family, even though it must have been a very difficult year. 

  • FormerMember


    That’s so good to read. Hope is a powerful ally. You’ve certainly brightened up my day 

    lots of love 


  • FormerMember

    Hi sheensb, 

    Wow, that would be quite a year even without your diagnosis!

    Congratulations on all you've achieved in such a short space of time, and in such challenging circumstances.

    Here's to a long period of stability, and being able to enjoy life with friends and family. Many people here would agree you have every reason to be hopeful, and can look forward to many more milestones. 

    Hope is precious xx

  • Good news sheensb

    I have decided to keep on giving myself timeline targets, and each time I reach it I set another (usually leave it until after 3 monthly scan. Next target for me is watching the final of the Rugby World Cup on Nov 2nd. My next one after that will be the 1 year anniversary of my initial diagnosis, which was February 1st.

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Hi Sheena, What a terrific post! Yes these milestones mean such a lot to us, it's great when we keep passing them and looking forward to the next one. To be honest, I think if I didn't plan and look forward to things, I'd be tearing my hair out by now! My dad always said (when my mum was dying of cancer! ) "Where there's life, there's hope"! If we treat every day as if it's our last, enjoying every minute, then we will have no regrets. I tell my husband & our family, every day how much I love them.

    Late afternoon today, there was a parent and teachers meeting at school, so my husband and I had the pleasure of looking after our three grandchildren and give them dinner. All of a sudden tears flowed down my cheeks without warning and the children asked "what's wrong Gran?" I just said they were tears of joy because I was so happy! When I was diagnosed, our son was getting married within a month and our daughter and husband had our only granddaughter. How blessed I am! My husband and I are going to Salou at the end of the month but it's everyday things that are so special!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!