What Worked for your Nausea

  • 9 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Bn lucky usually with my nausea over the years but this E.C regime is leaving me a bit green.

#1 I treated with the Domperidone (useless) & some leftover Ondanseteon. Along with the Dexamethasone 4 2 days afterwards.

#2 bn prescribed Levopromethazine - 1st dose the night b4 & then 4 consecutive nights along with double the strength of Ondansetron. Along with the steroids again.

Managed 2 work successfully y'day afternoon & most of 2day although the green-ness was kicking in about 4pm. Time 2 neck a pill.

What's everyone else getting? Have had Metoclopramide (various degrees of success) & Cyclizine (can't remember much about this).

Did recover suitably 2 catch up 4 a coffee (well an Appletizer 4 me as I drink neither tea nor coffee) with an old school friend who travelled up from London 2 Moray. Was great 2 c her & have a chin wag.

Ciao all

WB Nauseated face

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear this.  I found e.c made me really sick.  I had ondanstron first round - I was sick and had the most horrendous headache for the whole time I was taking it.  Round 2 they changed it to Emend (supposed to be the gold star anti sickness) - I ended up in hospital after 10 hours of sickness every 10 minutes!!! 

    Onc was gonna change it to another one but e.c wasn't working so changed poison!  

    Hope u manage to get it sorted. Xx

  • FormerMember

    That sounds hideous, WB. You’ve gone through my list of drugs and then some. The only thing I can add is that it’s better to keep taking the meds rather than take them reactively if you know the chemo is going to make you nauseous. It’s easier to prevent than to treat nausea. If you can find something that works, that is. 

    Good luck 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks peeps.

    Did top myself up b4 I went 2 work 2day but felt pretty bleurghh.

    Thankfully it's now the weekend & I'm on holi-bobs nxt week. Although BCN emailed me earlier 2 agree that my bloods were pretty rubbish so getting 2 pints of red nxt Wed - not quite how I imagined my hols. Nurse 4 dressings Mon, Wed &  Fri, hosp 4 crossmatch bloods Tues, hosp 4 red top up Wed.

    The treat 4 the girls is a "Rest & Relaxation Pedicure" on the Thurs - not something I'd normally go 4 as I hate being touched, massaged etc but dear s-i-l won it in a prize draw so I didn't say no.

    Hope everyone has a calm weekend


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB I had some nausea on my chemo - they changed the pattern of my steroids so I was on them a wee bit longer and tapered them down for longer and they gave me omnaprezole (might be spelt wrong) and I had that the whole time, on top of an anti nausea drug.  it’s not a nausea thing but for gastritis. But that combination really seemed to make things better, so might be worth looking at Things that are not just anti-nausea.

    good luck, it is a horrible feeling.  I ate a lot of werthers originals when I felt rotten, it seemed to help

    have a good weekend! Heather x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Heather,

    As u've seen we have tweaked the duration & type of my anti-emetics.  Probs doesn't help I was a bit poorly last week as well (2 days in hosp). Medics already have me on the Omeprazole 2 protect the stomach from the Naproxen painkiller. They then doubled the dose of the Omeprazole when my gallbladder started playing up. Flippin typical u end up on numerous extra drugs 2 combat the side effects of others. Oh life!!!!!

    Sucky sweeties do help sometimes & Hagen Daz has bn known 2 b my guilty pleasure.

    WB xx

  • My top 3 anti sickies are emend, ondansetron and cyclizine. 


    Funny how we all react differently. Glad you survived work WB. Enjoy your time off despite all the infusions... 

  • FormerMember

    Hi All

    i am struggling with nausea too.  Never sick just feel it most of the time.  I have Metoclopramide but have stopped taking them as felt no benefit and I think they were causing constipation.  At least that’s resolved.

    I did feel a little queasy when I last had chemo but found snacking helped and ginger ale, not this time though unfortunately. I also have the cold sensitivity thing going on so can’t take cold drinks.  Warm drinks when nauseous just doesn’t cut it.

    Will give the Werthers a go though thanks.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I am sorry to hear you’re feeling so nauseous. It’s so grinding feeling sick all the time. Constipation is no fun either - I always have that problem with anti sickness drugs too so yes, taking one thing to solve the sickness involves taking a load of other things to solve the side effects. I have to pack a special travel bag of drugs and medicines when I go away. 

    Love and hugs xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    Happy holidays! And to think that holidays used to involve travel, adventure, sun and fun.  I do hope you enjoy the pedicure at least. 
