My brother and best friend

  • 15 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone

I haven't been around lately, my brother and, as I say, my best friend, died in the early hours of Monday morning after a short illness. At the moment we're guessing that it was a heart attack because the symptoms are those of a heart attack but the coroner can't access the latest doctor's records because of the bank holiday. I wish I could have done something but his family did get the out of hours doctor a couple of days ago and he prescribed antibiotics for a chest infection. 

I can't believe that an ECG wasn't done because looking back, the symptoms were so obvious. I had a heart attack 8 years ago so maybe I would be more aware of symptoms. Yesterday when I found out, I had two angina attacks and today I'm not feeling good. Maybe I'll ring the doctor soon. 

I have lost my best friend.

Tvman x

  • Oh Tvman, I've just "found" this post! Not getting all the notifications doesn't usually bother me as I usually pick some up on the 'Latest Activity button but when it is something as important as "your post" it really makes me feel bad!

    I hope you realise that IF I had read this, I would have replied immediately! I know when my own brother died, I was inconsolable as we also had always been very close! I'm relieved you have visited your doctor and she seems to be aware how devastating this has been for you! You are in my thoughts! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. Annette, you don't need to worry about not having replied earlier. I KNOW you would have replied earlier, or 0as soon as you saw the post. You and I both know that it's not a race to be first to respond, if you had read my post earlier I am absolutely certain that you would have answered. I think I may be repeating myself, lol. We have been more than good friends in the two or so years that we have been in this community. 

    I want to say to all the newbies that have been enhancing this group with their presence that you needn't be concerned about a clique or cliques in the group. There are no such things, It's just that some of us have understandably got to know the problems, trials and tribulations that some of us have been through. You will form your own deep friendships the longer that you stay around and you will undoubtedly be saying the same to others in time. This group is not about cliques, it's about supporting fellow incurables or as some would say, incourageables I say, with a little smile forming on my face Slight smile

    I want to say again that I am humbled and touched by everyone's support concerning my grief especially when you are going through a lot themselves. I am exhausted, I was at my brother's house and had a meltdown again, along with his son.

    Annette, I'm sorry that I have deviated from speaking directly to you, I hope you understand that I am having a myriad of thoughts that I feel I need to put down. Normally in Northern Ireland when someone dies say on a Monday, they'll be buried on a Thursday, Friday at the latest. My brother, Drew, isn't getting cremated until next Monday, a full week after the death. This is because as it is considered an "unexplained death" because he hadn't been ill or in hospital, a post mortem had to be held and the coroner wasn't able to access medical records due to the bank holiday. In fact, the family won't be getting the body returned until later today, Thursday.

    Sorry everyone for the long post, I'm pouring out my thoughts, and I have many.

    Love to everyone xx


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    You pour away. It’s fine. 

    I can imagine it’s hard to have the post mortem and the delay in your brother’s cremation. The laws are there to protect us all but I wonder whether in your situation, they might feel like faceless bureaucracy at its worst. I hope not.

    Lots of love 


  • Hi Daloni

    No, not at all, I completely understand. 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I'm catching up today after a week away and I too am very sorry to hear this  

    Thinking of you.