Glad I joined the group

  • 5 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I am so glad I returned to the online community and joined this group.  I have read many of your stories and I am in awe of all of you and what you have been through.  I am now hopeful again that I will be able to keep going for a while yet as I was beginning to lose that.

Thanks for your lovely messages.

Love and best wishes to all of you x

  • Hi Sheena

    It's good to hear that you are happy with your choice to come here. There is an eclectic mix of people here with one obvious connection. I've been here for around two years and I would agree with you that I am so glad to have made the same choice. 

    So many people have been through so much, and struggled to get back to work. I take my hat off to them. I'm proud to be a part of their circle of friends. Just to put it simply, it's the best online community. By a long chalk. 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Sheena 

    I’m glad too - and looking forward to getting to know you 


  • Hi Sheena and welcome to the group! Sorry it's a bit late but Friday was my birthday and I was too busy to go online! I see from your profile page your son is going to Glasgow Uni! Does that mean he is going away to uni, or do you live close enough he can attend from home?

    I am pleased you are glad you joined this group as we all know how it feels to hear the word "Incurable" but then if they offer you any form of treatment, it means it is incurable but treatable which gives us all hope! I must say, I'm a bit confused to read you have a mutation of some kind and because of it you cannot use target therapy! In actual fact it's only because I have the BRAFV600 mutation gene that I could take the target therapy that has extended my life beyond my wildest dreams. However there must be so many kinds of mutations and the oncologist's seem to know what works and what doesn't! Am I correct in thinking you start your treatment on 22nd of this month? If so, I hope it works it's magic for you, as it has done for others! I take each day as it comes and enjoy as much as I can! Like Daloni said though, we do plan ahead so we have something to look forward to and if on the day I don't feel good then we try to rearrange! We've found this works for us! That is my husband and I! Next trip is on 27th Sept to Salou for two weeks which includes our wedding anniversary! Keep in touch and you'll soon get to know everyone! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hello Annette and thanks very much for your message.

    Yes we live close enough to the university; Hamilton in South Lanarkshire so only a 40 ish minute train journey away.

    I asked my oncologist if it was the targeted therapy I was getting and she said no as I had a mutation which makes the cancer slightly more aggressive.  She said she couldn’t give me it first line but could second line treatment.  I am also confused by this.

    I get bloods taken at my GP surgery on Tuesday, visit oncologist on Wednesday and she will clear me for chemo to take place on the Thursday; that’s my understanding of it all.

    I knew this day was coming so we moved into a beautiful new house and then we went on a wonderful med cruise. I have been enjoying lots of small trips away with friends and going out for meals/drinks.

    Lovely to speak to you x

  • Hi Sheena, I live in Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire. Am I correct then that you will attend the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Care Hospital? That's where I see my oncologist who is terrific! I will send you a Friend Request, once I've finished here, then if you accept my request, we can chat privately and if there's any questions, personal or otherwise, I will do my best to answer them! I'm really not surprised you are confused, I would be too! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!