Just a bit tired ....

  • 13 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Have a cold, am tired, waiting for scan results, have a pain in my hip. Coming up to the first anniversary of my diagnosis. Feeling quite emotional and drained. My positivity has disappeared. I am sure it's just a blip. Anyway, I hope you are all ok. Xx

  • Hi Flowerlady

    Bucketloads of sympathy on the way and a couple of hugs too. Wow, it never rains but it pours with this disease, yeah? I feel so sorry for you, so many downs and no ups. Try to delve for the positivity you know you can have, imagine your best friend is with you (please don't tell me she or he is lol!) 

    You're exactly right when you say it is just a blip, dear me, I've had so many as well, but in no time at all, the blip is history. Come on, Flowerlady, where's that smile. 

    I hope you're feeling a little better now, mornings for me is when I'm in pain too. Good luck with your scan results, when are they?

    Take care Flowerlady

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Flowerlady, sorry to hear this. You know it’s quite normal though right? It is a difficult anniversary and having a cold doesn’t help, but you will bounce back we have all been there but tomorrow is another day. Your positivity will come back but sometimes we need to allow ourselves to feel down. Be kind to yourself for a while. Hopefully scan results will be ok and if there not there’s a good chance that your oncologist will have another trick up his sleeve to try. I won’t say I didn’t ever feel like that, that would be lying, but it will pass and you will feel brighter and better again and the sun will shine for you.

    love and hugs

    Maggie xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear this Flowerlady. I agree, it's completely understandable, and probably a lot healthier to admit that there are times when it's all just too hard.

    Colds are shit and make you feel miserable at the best of times, and unexplained hip pain doesn't help when scan results are due. I hope you'll get some good news.

    Is it next week you're hoping to go away for a few days? Always good to have something to look forward to, even or especially when everything feels overwhelming. Sending you a big hug xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi flowerlady

    life is quite shi.  y sometimes .i quite understand how you feel . Colds make everyone feel down , it is my birthday today ,thrilled i am still here but scared of future .you have made a year but obviously want many more anniversaries,it is so hard when you are in pain .You do have a purpose in life ,we all do ,even if you cannot see it ,hopefully you will have good scan results and the cold will go and you will feel more positive ,but it is fine to feel down and miserable ,that makes us human 


  • Hi fighting girl, happy birthday to you, it’s mine as well today, I hope you have had a great day.

    love and hugs

    Maggie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Alive

    Happy birthday Maggie 8

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Alive

    Happy birthday.       Maggie

    each birthday feels like an achievement 



  • It was a blip. It was such a beautifully sunny day yesterday, I sat outside and let my thoughts wander and read all your messages. It's my birthday on Sunday and it's time to celebrate the here and now. Much love to you all xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Happy Birthday fighting girl! I hope you had a darn good time xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Happy Birthday Maggie! X

    Flowerlady x