Just want to say hi

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone, how is everyone? Struggling at the min. In the last 10 wks, I've had 2 hospital admission, needed my central line taken out, port a Cath fitted... Finally... Was looking forward to going bk to work and then on Monday of last wk, I Fractured my ankle.. I'm so fed up... Xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope the weather is good for you, enjoy the garden, watch the butterflies&listen to the birds, so sorry you're having a bad time of it.hope you have more good days than bad.

  • FormerMember

    Hope the weather is good for you, enjoy the garden, watch the butterflies&listen to the birds, so sorry you're having a bad time of it.hope you have more good days than bad.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, the weather is g old here.... I can only sit in garden when I've got someone here with me due to being unable to weight bare... Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather xx

  • Hi ,

    Sorry to hear that you have fractured your ankle, I hope that it gets better soon and you can get outside a bit more.

    I read a lot when I am ill and not able to move much but I must admit I can lose hours just looking at the internet.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Gragon x

  • FormerMember

    Hi !

    Oh the fracture really is the icing on the cake. Sorry you’ve had such a rough time. How long before you can be weight bearing and make your own way to the garden? If you’re anything like me, it will be a mixed pleasure. One of pleasure in the outdoors and the plants but of frustration at not being able to do the weeding, deadheading or putting exactly the right plant in that spot now that I have had the time to sit and consider such things. Can’t win! 

    I hope you recover and mend quickly and that you can find a way to enjoy this enforced period of rest. You might as well enjoy it, I reckon, as the alternative is to not enjoy it and frankly life’s too short for that  


  • Hi!

    What a nightmare - I've just read your profile, you've had to deal with a lot - what a read. 

    Hoping your fracture is healing nicely and weight bearing isn't too far away. I don't know about you, but seems even more cruel in this awful heat (I'm sorry, I know it's not popular but I prefer grey October days I'm afraid). 

    Just wanted to say hi!


  • Hi Elizabeth, It never rains but it pours is a phrase that comes up all the time in our situation!! I think a broken ankle on top of everything else qualifies as pouring! As Clare (Gobalth) said, I'm not keen on this weather either, it's too hot for me just now! Living in Scotland, I'm not used to it being so hot! Like Daloni, I can't sit in the garden without seeing all the things that need done and I can't do them and my husband doesn't know the difference between a flower and a weed and he does enough anyway! I wait until it's cooler at about 9ish and water the plants with a hose! That's the extent of my gardening!

    You mentioned about going back to work until you broke your ankle. Maybe you could invite someone from work over to keep you company for a while! I read a lot (like Gragon) but I also like doing jigsaws on my iPad, it's a free app! There's also free games, word search, crosswords etc if you are really bored!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Elizabeth 

    Were you so looking forward to going back to work that you were up dancing on the table and you fell off? Maybe not, but it's a comical thought.

    It's great these days, sitting in the garden with a cold beer. Like Annette, I can't sit in the garden without looking at the little jobs needing carried out, like weeding, dead heading and more, so I give my wife a shout and point everything out. I can't repeat what she says, it happens every time. I tell her my back is too sore!

    One side of the patio is mostly bordered with an abundance of flowering sweet pea, so sometimes there's a waft of fragrance blowing over us. The best thing is to cut a few stems and bring them indoors, the aroma in whatever room they're placed is lovely and it also helps the plants to produce more blooms, to extend the flowering time. 

    I hope the fracture is healing and the pain is a little less and you're in less discomfort now, Elizabeth.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.