Struggling with everything

  • 50 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hey all

I've not posted in a while mostly because I'm really struggling with pain and deterioration with the disease progression. I can't seem to get the pain under control with paracetamol and morphine (which I hate taking while I'm looking after Calli. 

We are currently in France and I feel like crap. I think I've done something to my hip which means I can't walk more then 100m without severe pain that actually makes me shake! Coming home today butCryomehow have to core with the 8hr drive CryCryCrySob 

I really don't know how I'm going to cope looking after calli on my own,  I just don't think I can do it.  Arghh this is not how life should be.

Whinge over...


  • Hi Annette,

    So lovely to hear from you again.  I was just thinking about you last week as was wondering how you were and realised we hadn't heard from you for a while.

    I hope the good weather is reaching you as well and you enjoy getting outside to relax in it.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Annette

    Yes, good to see you here again. Your common sense replies have been missed. You're right about the party, we'll be inviting all from both sides, and I can't see anyone not coming. We're all close and we know how to look after our guests. We'll be researching about Bolivian customs to make Fabi feel at home, and possibly some members of her family.

    I've started morphine reduction, just by 10mg each fortnight as requested and recommended by the chronic pain doctor. He has also put me on a new drug for nerve pain, Baclofen, which has to be started on a low dose and slowly increased every two weeks. So far, in a similar way to you, no change to the pain. It's hard to live with constantly, my family know that I have a lot, but it seems to slip their memory as does the cancer. I'm treated as if I'm a healthy guy, which is good I guess for most of the time. Rant over lol! 

    Take care Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Yes! Good to see you back  Annette. I’ve missed you. I sometimes think “now what would Annette say?” as I try to write a reply. I never quite can - and now here you are with your cheeriness and common sense. How lucky are your grandchildren to have you 


  • Hi and thank you for your very kind words! It's nice you noticed I wasn't around much!

    I don't want to Hijack Button's thread, so I will do a separate post!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • GRAGON  our weather has just in the last few days, started to improve and it's too hot for me! What I really enjoy at this time of year, being in Scotland, the sun comes up in the morning just after 4.30am but there is light in the sky before then and the birds sing the dawn chorus! In the evening, the sun doesn't go down until around 9.40pm but there is still light in the sky until 11ish, so it's not dark here for as long as elsewhere! I hope you enjoy the sun and I here there's more lovely days still to come! I have some great electric fans!

    TVMAN   I too reduced the Morphogesic I was taking by 10mgs and started two new drugs to help with the nerve pain in my leg which started when I had a knee replacement and got much worse after a wide lesion with skin graft plus a groin dissection (due to malignant melanoma) all on that same leg! ( FYI  The drugs are Duloxetine and Celebrex) I've tried Gabapentin, Oxycondone, Amitriptyline and the rest but can't function while taking them and I don't want to waste precious time sleeping all the time. I hope they work for you and

    BUTTON I do know lots of people whom these drugs work for, so please give them a good try! Are things any better since you got home? DALONI, I'm flattered by your comments but I think your replies to any sort of post will easily outdo anything I have to say, but I appreciate the gesture! I hope you and the girls are enjoying the fact you have finished your chemo. Well done you, you are a star!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So, I'm hoping to pick up my new meds on  monday and i've got a RT app on tuesday so i'm feeling much positive and i'm learning to ask for help!!!

    Thanks all. Lovely to hear about all the grandkids in your lives. Kids certainly help Grin

    Hope you are all having  a good weekend xx

  • FormerMember

    Its so not right or fair, I wish I could make it better, hang in there, sending positive vibes your way.

  • Hi Button, At least you don't have long to wait before you start your new meds! Good luck with your RT on Tuesday as well, I hope it goes smoothly. Who looks after your little one while you are at all your appointments? ( we have so many) Is it the same person or do people take turns? I'm sure she is a little beauty and others will look after her with pleasure! You are right, kids make a world of difference, even if it is someone else's children you get to look after! I'm so pleased to hear all the nagging you got here has worked! LOL!! And you are learning to ask for help! That's great. The more you ask, the easier it gets and you will see the pleasure it gives other to know they are doing something useful! It really does work both ways! Please keep us posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good luck for tomorrow Button Fingers crossed

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    My new pain meds are really good and work which is amazing.  Now I can get back to building up my walking! 

    I also saw the RT consultant who was brill and only diverted which bit should be treated first.  I wanted to cry considering how negative my consultant had been.  So RT booked in for next week! I'm really hoping things are picking up as it is taking me longer to pick myself up. 

    I've even got used to asking for help! So thanks for the encouragement (nagging as Annette called it lol) to do this. 

    Much love to you all