The Surgeons Said No

  • 6 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So as expected the surgeons said no 2 a bilateral mastectomy- 3 surgeons & 2 5 hour round trips 2 hospital. Sort of knew this in my heart but when my oncologist suggested it I thought maybe...

But not 2 b. 2 much 2 remove, 2 hard 2 close me up safely, tumours attached 2 chest wall, potentially could lose my arm if things when wrong removing a rather enlarged lymph node under my arm.

Next step? Another course of radiotherapy 2 the aforementioned lymph node & big & small alien boobs. The new chemo regime has bn delayed until after radiotherapy as 2 much 4 my little body 2 cope with all at once & the radiotherapy should (fingers crossed) have a quicker response.

Off 2 nurse 2morrow 2 get offending big alien boob breakthrough dealt with again - it's a bit urghhhhhhh. Don't want 2 put anyone off their brekkie with the description.... Having 2 wear sports bras cos of where it is...not a look that goes with office wear & floaty summer dresses.

That's daughter bn in the States 2 weeks now. She was finally re-united with her luggage after a week although the case was in such a state that it won't b coming home. Hmmmm! I'd only used it once! Typical.

Off 2 bed now peeps.


WB xx

  • Hi WB

    I wish I could vote for you to get an award for what you're going through, yet you're keeping upbeat here. Then there are people whingeing about the slightest cough or sore knee. I think you are fantastic, you're facing what some people wouldn't even be able to imagine that could happen to anyone. 

    As if you didn't need any more, your daughter's bag goes missing and turns up after a week damaged. That happened to me twice. Once, my wheelchair arrived in Belfast from Stansted with the top half sheered off (either it wasn't secured or more likely something the weight of a piano in the hold has hit it. Of course, nobody could/would tell me what had happened and they seemingly couldn't find the person who opened the hold first, to tell me what had happened. So I insisted they loan me a wheelchair until mine was fixed. And they did.

    The other time, our new hard case arrived in splinters, again from Stansted to Belfast! Before we left the airport, we had filled in a form and chosen a replacement suitcase from a book of photos.

    So, WB, get a photo of the damaged case and get in touch with the company responsible for the carriage of items in the hold. You will get a replacement. Maybe you have already done that, I think you could have but maybe with your health problems, you haven't thought about it yet. 

    Good luck WB, again you are wonderful, I think you are dealing with your illness very well.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thanx Tvman, that was a lovely message. So hard 2 comfort daughter when she's so far away - just glad she'd bn 2 this camp b4 so she knew all the staff & that they were so helpful getting her kitted out - cos typical, she was left with the clothes she arrived in.

    But 2 have ur "wheels" damaged is even worse. How do they expect u 2 get about???

    WB xx

  • HI WB,

    I'm gutted for you.  I know that you thought it was a slim chance but I so hoped that it would come through for you.  It does seem that the risks from surgery are really significant .  Hopefully the radiotherapy will quickly help you out.

    I hope that things went well for you with the nurse today.

    My wife recently had to fly to Crete at short notice as her father was in hospital and was not expected to live for long.  Due to the short notice her flight was in three legs and took about 14 hours.  She had quite a good journey despite the lengthy stopovers, however her luggage enjoyed it so much that it decided to take a few more days.  Fortunately the hospital was in a city and not a resort so she had a choice of shops that she could go to rather than just buying clothes from the tourist shops.  She was pleased to see her suitcase a few days later.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to hear that, WB. I hope the radiotherapy improves things. Thinking of you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    sorry that is pants but at leaset you know it is the safer option. Keep going hun xx 

    night night . 

  • FormerMember

    Oh WB

    That’s such crap news. But at least you know you tried. I know you were prepared for bad news while holding on to the slim hope of good news. And now, typical WB, you’ve latched  on to the hope again that the radiotherapy will do its job quickly. I hope so too. 

    Lordy the tales of lost and smashed luggage. I think I have been very lucky in all my travels as I’ve only lost a case once and it arrived within the day.

    I hear you on the floaty dress look although it’s not in the same league as your issue, WB. Compression stockings for  lymphoedema plus floaty dress is not the go-to look for summer 2019 and simply doesn’t work with my preferred summer footwear of Birkenstock thong sandals. Sigh. An excuse for new shoes, though. Look on the bright side. 

    Lots of love and loads of hugs, dear WB 
