What the Surgeon Said

  • 8 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So as expected yesterday's appt with the surgeon was disappointing. The same surgeon who refused me surgery 18 months ago said the same yesterday. 

I did plead my case- it's one of my last options, I'm in quite good health 4 someone who is incurable & past her sell by date, and the fact they could have done something 18 months ago.

So surgeon tried 2 locate plastic surgeons & my own Onc at hospital 4 a discussion/2nd opinion but they were all tied up elsewhere.

So now I have 2 return (I so enjoyed the 5 hour round trip so much yesterday!!!) 2 c other surgeons. His concern is being able 2 cover the extensive area following the bilateral mastectomy (alien boob & baby boob have grown quite horrendously over the last couple of months) & also any potential problems I might encounter.

Have 2 do some serious thinking even if they do say yes. Do I have quality of life or try 4 extra time - anyone got a crystal ball handy?

 Needless 2 say my new chemo has been postponed 4 a week as that was due this Fri.

Oh why is life so hard? 

Tied & stressed WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    A knock back like that is hard to take even if you’re expecting it t. I’m so sorry to hear your news and can only offer a gentle hug. 

    Lots of love 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks D

    I was beginning 2 feel ike a glamour model the number of times I showed off my chest...

    Shall just take it in my stride like everything else - it's hubby I feel sorry 4.

    2day is another day thiugh. So gulp down brekkie & off 2 work. 1 x meeting with a consultant re: library closures & 1 x meeting for a promo program of events at our libraries. Hard 2 get the enthusiasm up 4 these when they r total opposites.


    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    Don't really know what to say about the surgery disappointment. Even though you thought this is what he might say you must have been gutted. 

    Hope you can get something sorted out soon. 

    Big hugs P xx5

  • Hi WB

    I have had to cut all I wrote (after an hour) because only half what I wrote appeared and therefore made no sense. I'll do it later, I need to get some sleep as I have an appointment at the cancer unit later to find out the latest blood picture.

    Take care WB

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • WB 

    I was at the hospital yesterday, seeing a doctor at the chronic pain unit and he was horrified when I told him the amount of morphine I'm taking daily (260 mg MST) All medics tell me that's a high dose but when I told the doctor that I am ok with that dose, he said he would absolutely beg to differ. He then explained that recent research says that no one should be taking more than 140 mg daily because among erectile problems and others, the amount I'm taking will take 10 years off my life! So he is putting me through a program to slowly reduce my dosage to 160mg daily to see if my pain increases or not, to find out if I really need so much.

    Well, I called with my eldest brother, but only after I had gone to lunch with my other older brother, and I could see his hurt in his eyes when I explained about the 10 years off my life. My eldest brother's wife almost died last year, following an infection in the upper bowel. She was in a coma for 4 weeks and then she had major surgery which has left her with a stoma, and we talked (jokingly) about whether he should trade her in for a younger model. Then he said something which I now can associate with you and your husband. He said four words, "for better or worse" and I can only think it's so appropriate for two other brave and strong people, you and your husband. 

    It's not often that we see that your mood is low, it's not you, WB, so I hope that what I have said helps you. I wish I could click my fingers and you would be cured. I wish there was something I could do to help you.

    I have to go to the cancer unit today to see what my latest blood picture is so I hope I don't get any nasty surprises. I'm very tired these days, that's my biggest thing. 

    Take care WB.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    I hope all goes well today at the cancer unit and that your morphine reduction regime proves useful rather than painful. 


  • FormerMember

    Oh WB im so sorry to hear yiur news. Its such a let down esp when you have to seriously think about what they are offering.

    Sending you hugs xx

  • Thanks Daloni

    Well, my RBC is lower than last time, 12 weeks ago, but just above danger level. 

    When I told the Haematologist, Barbara, about the reduction program in morphine she was really pleased. She went on to say that she and other medics had been saying that my morphine program was too high and then she addressed the couple of times that I had to go to hospital and stay overnight because I accidentally took too much morphine. She looked me straight in the eyes and said that I was at great risk of dying. Very forceful she was, and she rammed the message home that I really could have died, given the level of morphine involved. 

    I have to admit that I looked at my wife sitting beside me and the tears came into my eyes. Then Barbara again said that I could have died, she got out of her seat, came over to me and gave me the tightest hug that I have ever had. It was a hug from her heart. She sat down and I could see a moistening of the eyes. I didn't think a  doctor would be as sentimental but hey, we're all human, yeah?

    So it was a difficult appointment, but one I'll never forget. 

    Thanks again Daloni for your consideration. Take care.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.