Life Sucks

  • 8 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So what's the latest 4 Wee Blonde then?

Results of latest CT scan were good & bad. The tumours in both breasts have grown (but I didn't need a scan 2 confirm that) but the other areas are all stable or clear - I've bn told there was no sign of anything in the liver. Whoo hoo, must b v teeny weeny not 2 b seen!!!!

Onc has decided 2 change my chemo again as the Eribulin is not working...was told that was going 2 b the last available drug but now I'm due 2 start "EC" in a fortnight's time unless the surgeon says otherwise. Off 2 c him this coming Fri 2 c if there is a possibility of this bilateral mastectomy that's bn mentioned going 4ward.

My hair which was coming in beautifully after all these horrible poisons has now decided 2 fall out again, thankfully after I'd had my holi-bobs though. I took the scissors out 2nite 2 help it along as it was annoying the hell out of me grrrrrrr.

Was taken up 2 hospital by ambulance late Thur/early Fri - I could have gone in the car as I only stay 5 mins away from the hosp. But as soon as u mention u have chest pain....... It really was a sore throat & temp but there was a dull ache in the chest so they whisked me up. Many many attempts 2 get a blood sample from me ended up with a clean bill of health & being discharged at 3am. Still have a v squeaky voice due 2 the laryngitis but husband is enjoying the peace & quiet.

Slept lots & lots 2day - life is catching up with me.

Take care peeps. Getting daughter ready 4 her adventures again - she's back 2 summer camp in the USA till the end of Aug.


WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB, 

    What a shame the boob aliens won't respond like the others. Hopefully surgery is still on the table for the blighters. 

    Hope the laryngitis is getting better and the voice is returning. 

    Wishing you all the best 

    Albondigas x 

  • FormerMember

    Hello WB

    We have not spoken before, but I have followed your story a bit. I do hope the next treatment is a success and hopefully even better that surgery is given the green light for you.

    I hope you feel better soon from the laryngitis. I always say that there is nothing worse than getting sick on top of already not being well.

    It sure does is at times. Sometimes you need a break from it to get your va va voom back.

    Crossed fingers that things pick up for you soon. Take it easy and do something you enjoy, it usually helps a little.

  • Ah, WB

    No one can tell a story like you, you're one of a kind and I think I've told you before. 

    I'm keeping low these days, one infection or problem after another and my body is finding it hard to fight them and I feel miserable all the time. Just don't want to talk to anyone. .

    I need to find a spirited way like you!

    Take care WB and all


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Haha Tvman u know me well. It's either all quiet or everything happens at once with me. Still squeaking 2day - husband appreciates the lack of endless chit chat.

    Although I'm in the bad books. I suggested we try this new ice cream shop 30mins drive away from us, thought it would b a nice spin in husband's new car...unfortunately he got a stone chip on the windscreen so he ain't a happy bunny. All my fault of course. Grrrr could have happened anywhere at anytime but...

    Life eh?

    Take care & hope ur on the up soon

    WB x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    it never rains but it pours. Literally today. Jeez the weather here! 

    A mixed scan is always a blow. Trying to get my head to focus on the good bits rather than worry about the bad is a bit like trying to squeeze into leggings that are too small. It’s possible but it’s not comfy and it doesn’t look good. 

    I hope you can get some rest and some ice cream. 

    On another but similar note, I completed my 18 sessions of chemo today. I am completely bolloxed. Pooped. Done in. Eleven of the last 15 months I’ve been on chemo.

     I continue on the oral tablets as part of the trial I am on for now. CT scan next Tuesday. Review with oncologist on 24th and if the results are good, I will continue on the tablets until such time as they are not. I’m limiting my expectations. The last scan at the back end of April was one of those mixed ones. It showed that my liver tumours had shrunk but there was new thready growth around a major blood vessel in my chest (the vena cava for those inclined to Latin). This month, the blood marker for tumour growth doubled compared to May. So.....

    I did have a quick chat with my consultant today and she has plans for another trial in due course. I told her my main aim is a treatment free summer. We agreed this was a good plan. I need a break. My girls need a break. 

    Now I need a rest. Will the steroids allow? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Congrats Daloni on getting 2 the end of the chemo. That's a long time. Sometimes it just feels like it's part of normal life.

    The voice is marginally less squeaky than Thurs/Fri but I 2 feel abs knackered- combination of hols/bugs/chemo/life. 

    Daughter is still not packed 4 the States. She has a mountain of things 2 do 2morrow & a v early flight on the Wed (7am) & we stay 2 hours away from the airport - oh happy days. 

    Off 2 read latest thriller till silly o'clock.

    Good luck 4 nxt Tues 

    WB xx

  • Hi Daloni

    Congratulations, end of your 18 sessions. I shall raise a glass to you later.

    I'm going soon to an aunt's funeral, she was in her 105th year, and what killed her? A mouth cancer! She was well both physically and mentally until the  cancer, she used to walk to the shop in the village for the morning paper at 100. She made the  delcision not to not take treatment on account of her age. Was she right or was she deciding that enough's enough? I'll be talking to her son and daughter soon, the funeral kicks off in 45 minutes! Have to get suited and booted and decide which wheelchair to take. Decisions, honestly! 

    And good luck for the 24th. Speak soon.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Oh the joys of decision making! Tell me you took the horse drawn wheelchair, , and decked it out with black ribbons and all. 

    I must say 105 is a ripe old age. I hoped it was a joyous occasion 
