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If anyone is frightened or can’t get it of you mind, I was told of a book which I recommend 

WITH THE END IN MIND by Kathryn Mannix

really good read

  • FormerMember

    I've just started reading this.

    Highly recommended but have the tissues ready.

    It will make you cry.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I agree. Fantastic book. Beautifully written, very moving, easy to read in small chunks and very comforting. It removed a good deal of the fear I felt about the end of my life 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have this book but I found I wasn’t quite ready to read it. I’m glad you found it comforting and I know it’s there when I feel up to it.

  • I just bought this book with my Xmas money and loved it (if that is the right word). I read it in chunks in the afternoons with lots of tissues and a glass of Baileys by my side and just as Daloni said, it removed a lot of my fear and put death into perspective. Very highly recommended. Initially I really sobbed but as I went on it got easier (or I become less sensitised) and I really felt that crying got some of my fears out into the open.

    Difficult but so worth while.

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • Thanks so much for this suggestion - will purchase it and read  when I’m up to it! 

  • Hi Nicky, I got this book downloaded to my Kindle quite a few years ago! Just after Daloni got hers. She told me not to read it from the beginning to the end like a normal book but to pick out chapters I was interested in and read it like a reference book. Every now and then, I still read a bit here and there. When Daloni wasmin the Hospice, she said thats when it all came together and helped her immensely! Thats what im hoping for but NOT JUST YET!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Just after NN posted, I placed my order - they said it comes today (Sunday) within 24hrs!!!

    How could they possibly know I was in such a rush...

    Thx Annette for passing on Daloni's advice - I am usually a "read 'til it's done" merchant so I will try to eke it out over a few days at least...

  • I want to read it and I don't want to read it. It has been on my mind since Nicky Nosher added to this thread.

    I am relying on you SiT to tell me if I should after you have read it. Your opportunity to be kind and truthful to me, don't sqander it!

  • Grim Subject Alert!

    For what it is worth, my thoughts are that even non dying folks should read it (I know we are all dying) and especially nearest and dearest (my husband is currently reading it slowly). By taking away some of the fear of the final stages and preparing those who might sit with me to know what the process is and to know what signs to look for has helped me. I hope to have another year or so, so I am not yet in the final stages, but feeling better about the end will hopefully help me enjoy what time I have left and not live wracked with fear about the final bit.

    She has basically convinced me that I won't know anything about the last bit (I will be unconscious), that good symptom control is possible with the joys of modern medicine and that dying is a natural part of life.

    For that I shall be eternally grateful.

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Not just yet please Annette, not for a long time xxx