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NOT suitable for trial at the moment due to loss of strength and general depreciation in health. HOWEVER I have had an Xray and blood tests and while I dont have plueral effusion I may have an infection. I have been given a weeks supply of antibiotics, for infection and a weeks supply of steroids for strength. I will then have 7 doses of RT on the primary tumour. Then reassessed for the trial.

More action in a day at Brjghton than 2 months at the Marsden.


  • Hi Phil, was wondering how you got on. Hope the antibiotics and steroids make you feel better this week. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember

    Liking Phil,s post doesn't seem right does it

    To add to the Sutton story.  I thought Phil had been extraordinarily unlucky

    In one week I had two appointments, two blood tests, one ECG 

    Signed up for a trial assuming samples met the criteria 

    Samples sent off, results in about four weeks

    Except they weren't sent off

    Only my phone call chasing the results led them to realise this

    So having wasted five weeks I am now in limbo again for a further six weeks


  • FormerMember

    Hi Phil, 

    Can an infection be considered good news?

    Maybe just a setback at the moment and they are going ahead with the RT so something is happening. 

    Dose yourself up with the antibiotics and steroids and get out on that golf course!

    Wishing you all the best 

    Albondigas x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Skaila 

    I cringe with my husband's impatience and aggressive behaviour but he has saved me multiple times from the twilight zone !  Being a good patient doesn't always pay. 

    Wishing you all the best 

    Albondigas x 

  • Oh SKAILA, I was so sorry to read they hadn't sent your bloods off! So did you find out what they did do with them? I assume they've taken fresh bloods now and you can phone next week, just to check! It's a long time when you are waiting for results, whether it's 1 week or 4 weeks! I hope they marked them urgent! Xxx

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Phil, Well at least they know what's wrong. An infection can be quite nasty but yes Skaila it is good news because they can sort it out with antibiotics and things could have been a lot worse. I know I'm usually relieved when they tell me I have an infection because my imagination thinks it's a lot worse than that! I do hope the combination of antibiotics & steroids sort you out quickly and your RT goes well! Did the Marsden not have any suggestions for you? Good luck, I've got everything crossed for you! Love Annette xxx

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    Hurray! I really hope you’ll start to feel better soon with the antibiotics and steroids. Thank goodness for Brighton. It sounds like they treat you as a whole person rather than trial fodder. 

    And - that’s a shocker. What the actual? Not much I can say really except big hugs and where’s the grrrr button when you need it? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh dear, I shouldn’t get on the computer late at night after two glasses of wine

    I meant the first line to go on this page and the rest to go on Phil’s “this post carried a government health warning” 

    Sorry to have butted in on your update Phil – will head back to the lung cancer thread …

  • Well I've just had my treatment cancelled for today but no one told me. I had to chase and ask why there was no nurse and no drugs. I've had two different stories about the mistake made so someone is lying. I can't believe how upset I am - just burst into tears when she said I'd have to wait another week as if it's like delivering my weekly food shop. Surprised by how upset I am although I suppose I am relying on it to keep me going...

    Shoddy practise all over the pace hey? Maybe it's just me and Phil (and Button16) on the end of it!

    Hope you're all experiencing better service than me today.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Do you think the docs realise that it is literally our lives?  I'm sorry so many of us this wek have had crappy treatment which can be frustrating and annoying and upsetting. Lets hope they sort it put 
