Scan results seem quite good

  • 7 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I had the horrid scan results appointment yesterday, but they seem ok! An anomaly with the primary tumour seemingly getting bigger whilst the secondarys have shrunk. Oncologist going to look at them again to check. She seemed pleased though.

Have a lovely day, and keep warm as the temperature is set to drop again over the next few days. Back to thermals. 


  • FormerMember

    Woo hoo ! That’s great news. 

    I am going to wrap up warm this weekend. Or alternatively stay inside...


  • Hi Flowerlady, Well if your oncologist is pleased with your latest results, then that is good news! Hopefully once the secondaries have disappeared then the primary will start to shrink then disappear too!

    By the way, you were correct about the temperature dropping, we had minus 4 last night and although the sun came out today, the wind was freezing, now they are saying it could be snowing at the weekend! It's May, it should be heating up!!! Stay warm!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi ,

    I would focus on the secondarys and let the oncologist worry about the primaries.  Good to hear that she is pleased with the results.

    I'm frustrated by the weather at the moment as I want to get some plants in the garden but don't want to risk them being killed or knocked back by any frosts.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Flowerlady, I've found that even when there's good news about scan results, there always seems to be a 'but,' so you're not completely off the hook. As Gragon said, best to leave that part to the medics to worry about.

    It's really good news about the secondaries, and that the Oncologist is pleased. Atta girl!

    Cannot get warm after a long wait at the bus stop in biting wind, going for a soak in the bath. Have a lovely weekend xx

  • Absolutely good news - let's celebrate all victories and any scan that shows stability and reduction is brilliant - long may it last!

    More immunotherapy for me tomorrow and then scans end of next week - haven't been scanned since Jan so keen to see what's happening, I'm a mix of excited (it was going well) and nervous... Eek. 

    Encouraged by all the good results popping up on here though. Hopeful. 


  • Sometimes it feels like I  am in a competition with my tumours. I talk to them. Tell them I will see them off. 

    Flowerlady x
  • Hi ,

    I have sent you a PM.

    Gragon x