travel insurance

  • 7 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I want to go abroad but cant find insurance, can any one help me please 

  • Heya Foe,

    Have you checked the travel insurance forum and phoned round the ones there?

    With an incurable cancer diagnosis you can't do the online quotes, you need to actually phone the companies.

    Also, do you need your cancer insured? I don't as I'm stable and nothing should change in the space of a holiday. So I get it excluded from my travel insurance which brings it from over £500 down to £5.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • I got insurance with Boots. They are worth a try. 

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Hiya a lot will depend if you're on chemo or waiting for results..

    Mainland Europe try Eurotunnel. No medical questions just are you terminal (no if you're on treatment) and do you have onc okay to go.

    Other main 3 are Boots, InsuranceWith and MIA Online for me but expect lots of questions.

    Good luck Pxx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi Lass

    Thanks for getting back, It looks like I know nothing ha ha ha.

    Why would anyone insure the cancer? I have no idea! I only decided yesterday that I have had enough of this Cancer (and my col bag) ruling my life and its time I did something for myself. I was soon knocked back down when I couldn't find insurance. I think I need to ask an expert some questions.

    Dee x

  • Sorry Dee. Lol. Seems my phrasing wasn't the best there! 

    So, if you're away in a foreign country and need medical assistance, then sometimes that can cost a lot of money. When you take out travel insurance, then that normally covers you for anything medical you may need. The problem comes in when you have a health condition that makes it more likely that you will need to seek out medical assistance. Travel insurance companies don't like paying out, so if you're more likely to be sick, they often either refuse to cover you or whack the price up to extortionate levels.

    Now, if your cancer is stable like mine, then you can call any travel insurance company, just about, and ask for travel insurance. You tell them all your medical diagnoses, and then ask for them to be excluded from the policy. This means that if you eat a dodgy prawn and end up in hospital, the insurance covers the costs. But if something happens related to your cancer - so say an infection in your col bag - then you're liable for the hospital costs yourself.

    If there's a chance that something relating to your cancer or your treatment could make you head to a Dr, then depending on where you are going, then it's advisable to get cover for your cancer.

    The thing to remember though is that if you are headed to another EU country, then you should have an EHIC card with you. This entitles you to the same medical care that a resident of the country gets. Sometimes that's completely free, sometimes it's a percentage of the cost. So depending on where you're going, getting your cancer covered in your travel insurance is an unnecessary expense. There's more info on the EHIC in the link below, and on the page, there's also another link that tells you what it costs in each country. So you can look up wherever you're headed.

    Hope that clears it up and makes it easier to understand!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • I too got cover via Boots. give them a ring. Really reasonable

    good wishes x

  • FormerMember


    Good on you getting a grip. I wonder whether folks like  over in the bowel cancer group might have something to add? Why don’t you repost your question over there? I am not trying to fob you off but I wonder if there are some specific issues to do with your bag that they might know more about. 
