Today's Laugh

  • 17 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone. Soz I've bn v quiet of late. Life has bn smooth with no major grumbles.

So wot was today's laugh then? Boots!  After many phone calls- not the easiest company 2 contact even when they leave a msg 4 u 2 phone them back. THEY DON'T ANSWER THEIR PHONES!!!! I got a quote 4 this year's holibobs. They r booked & I'm going whether I get insurance or not. £489!!!! I don't want 2 buy the flippin company. There's only me & grown-up daughter going this time, within Europe.

I'm just 2 honest but the fact that I'm on chemo regime no.5, had a case of sepsis (& a 2 week stay in hosp) & had a tumour that's broken the skin in the last year (aka alien boob) amongst other things has lead 2 this wonderful fee.

How do others get reasonable quotes when they're an incorrigible??????

I'd sing Boots' praises the last 3 years that they'd offered me insurance but £489!!!!!!!

Off 2 sing on the street 2 raise some cash 



  • I just tell them I don't want anything cancer related insured and knock them down to between £5 and £15. Lol

    Good luck!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • I couldn't answer some of the questions they asked me! Heck knows how they come up with such random prices. Hope you are going somewhere lovely 


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi WB

    You're one of a kind, holibobs, love it Slight smile

    Sorry I can't help you much, but maybe you could try Insurewith. I used them before although I don't go out of Ireland or the UK these days, Sorry I'm not talking to you in your lingo but I'm on a weekend break on the west of Ireland, very west Donegal.

    Took me over 5 hours driving here yesterday from the very east of Northern Ireland where I live, a stone's throw from Strangford Lough,  just one break for a cuppa. Have to go down for brekky soon, then back in the car to go looking for somewhere to stop and admire the view. I won't have to go very far! This is the West coast of Ireland after all! Where are you thinking of going?

    I hate it when they don't answer their phones. Almost always a call centre and they are supposed to answer within a certain time. Keep on until they answer, do the business, then ask for a manager and complain that you had to wait for whatever period. 

    Good luck in your quest for a decent price, but given you are on chemo, £489 isn't bad considering I paid over £1K to go to New York! More than the break, though now I never say I'm terminal, That word ends the quote with some of them!


    Love life and family.
  • Haha - yes insurance is a nightmare hey - they see us coming and it all increases. If you're not honest, you risk invalidation and who wants to be stuck in an unfamiliar country with increasing bills or unable to get home easily. Hard. 

    My last quote was £1800 - that was for Europe. I laughed, I think the sales rep was embarrassed. Sadly the incurable title is the stinger although it does seem to vary depending on the type of cancer, my brain mets seems to bother them most. I got refused by most companies - I spent hours trying. All Clear were the only ones willing to rip me off in the end. I then decided not to bother, that it was cheaper to pay out for someone to fly to us and help and get me home if I needed it. I then did get sick on the return journey which was horrible and I managed although it did make me think seriously about what I would do if I really did get sick and needed help. 

    Happy hunting...


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Hi WB

    If you are sticking to mainland Europe give Eurotunnel a try. If it's an island my best quote was with MIA Online.

    Best of luck xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    I have mine with insure with and i think the yr was £300 ish for just me and that covered everywhere but the states. 

    Luckily ive not had to use them so i think they are g8 lol.

    Gd luck

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi folks 

    The old ones are the best. 

    It comes up every year more often if you are lucky enough to manage a few breaks. 

    Terminal  yes that one is a deal breaker, awaiting results is another death blow sometimes the having had hospital treatment in the last 2 years question shuts down any chance of getting it.  You can just imagine the horror and gasps when the question any medical conditions is answered with Cancer as the increase premium wheel spins. 

    The only way I can afford to go abroad is to go without medical cover for anything cancer related. This probably means it is invalid or useless but it is usually cheap and I have something .I am restricted to short haul flights though I stick to under 3 hour flights to European airports that have plenty of flights back to Britain everyday. My husband has been told to have a funeral where ever l die and a wake when he gets home. If I am ill we will get first plane back to anywhere in Britain. I reckon if you go to A&E here you wait at least 4 hours more like 12 if you need a bed. So the airplane can be the A&E waiting area.

    I know people have bucket lists or just places they want to see but realistically unless you have the funds we are restricted in choice due to our diagnosis.

    I have been out of things for a while but enjoying reading some of the threads and listening to friends. 

    Love Mary  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Mary

    I've always jokingly said 2 hubbie just 2 throw me over the side of the ship everytime we've bn cruising since diagnosis should I kick the bucket whilst away.

    I grudge the sky high fees which r a good percentage of the holiday cost but then they r taking a chance of insurancing us as we're more liable 2 pick up bugs/infections etc. Just a pity they couldn't give us a rebate when we get back as we've not claimed (I have never claimed in my last 20 years of hols!!!).

    Back when we were young & stupid I never considered insurance - we could barely afford the hol let alone any extras. Memories of a cheap one star hotel in Paris *body shudders with the memory lol*

    Thanks 4 the advice guys


    PS dear daughter also added slightly 2 the exorbitant quote having had concussion in 2017 & a broken finger in 2018 - sports student!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    on the subject of laughs, here’s one for you. 

    I went for a spa day last week with my nieces, daughters and one of my sisters. I’d booked it but she couldn’t remember whether she’d asked for a massage or some other treatment.  I heard her say to the receptionist “Can you tell me what I’m down for? Wires might have got crossed in the communication because my sister has cancer.” 

    Yes. Because cancer makes you stupid. Obviously. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    This reminds me of when I went with some work friends to an overnight spa deal. It was fantastic but when it came to the treatments, this particular Spa had treatments specifically listed for people with Cancer, so I had gone for the full body massage. However the trained person was no longer working there and they had no one else who could do it, there were other things on offer. My friend said to the girl we specifically booked this hotel because of the Cancer Treatments to which 2 of the other girls piped up I don't want any Cancer Treatment we've seen what it can do and I have just had my hair done. 

    We had a good laugh and the Spa was actually very apologetic, we good free drinks and then when I came to pay for my changed treatment it was free. 

    There are some very nice people out there.