Mouse hunt!

  • 5 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I just posted this on FB. Figured it might raise a smile or two here as well. Bit of background.... Seems I have mice in my walls and maybe in my attic bedrooms where I'm storing stuff for a friend while she goes through a nasty divorce. I think the dog food might have attracted them, but we have a search mission planned for Sunday.

Earlier today my girl cat caught a mouse - only the second one my housecats have ever seen. She brought it to me to show me, but the boys wanted it and I couldn't get up fast enough. So off she ran to my bedroom with it, and let it go....... Which brings us to now......

3 cats just exploded from my bed, my body being used as either starting blocks or a trampoline. This of course woke me up, not to mention the sounds of a whirlwind as 16 paws scrabbled around the bedroom floor and out to the stairs.

Phone is grabbed, torch is switched on, I can see Thalric - no mouse in his mouth. I wait, growling, someone has the mouse! I'm out of bed, I get to Thalric, I see Braon - no mouse. Louder growling, I'm getting close, where is Achaeos?! Landing light on, look in the corner, nothing, more growling. Look in the bathroom..... GIANT fluffy cat standing side on to me, back arched, tail like a fox..... Mouse dangling from mouth.


Into bathroom, grab cat, tell him to drop it, he's not a dog - so he doesn't, more growling. Hell no you don't use that language with me! Bathroom door closed to keep out other cats, dangle growling fluffball over bath and pry open the jaws of death. Mouse drops down, seems safe and well, growling fluffball becomes whirling dervish trying to catch mouse in bath. Ejected from bathroom. Now what.....

Grab towel, wrap it around myself as I'm going to have to take mouse outside. Mouse finds shower hose and climbs it out of bath and leaps to the floor. Mad grab for it, losing my towel as I do, so mouse back in bath as I try to make myself decent. Grab mouse again. Turns out mouse has been listening to too much R Kelly...... Launches itself from my hands into the sink. Caught it. Launches itself onto the side of the bath. Caught it. Launches itself to the floor. Mr, you are getting the smallest amount of space in my hands possible. Stay still if you want to live!!!

Get the door open with toes and hip, mouse is wriggling as I sneak by three cats - who quickly go to find the mouse in the bathroom. Down the stairs I go, I think the mouse has weed on me - it stinks. I can get the kitchen door mostly closed, but not all the way closed. I try to hold mouse in one hand to close the door and keep the cats out.... But as soon as there's any loosening of hands, I can feel wriggle mouse making ready for another launch to freedom. What to do?!

Seems there's a handy food processor RIGHT by me. So in the mouse pops, safe for a few mins. Towel readjusted, phone retrieved from the landing to snap a pic of the trouble maker, TM checked for punctures - all seems ok, so out I go in my towel, carrying my food processor, to release the mouse. If any neighbours looked outside, they must have wondered wtf.

Back in, food processor dumped in sink, hands washed, towel in wash basket, Jenny back in bed typing this, mouse off telling "you'll never guess what happened to me!" tales, cats still looking for the mouse...... Not sure if sleep will return, there's a lot of adrenaline running around right now!!



  • Love the mouse story he looks really cute.

    just like a Tom  and Jerry story.

    you are really brave and to manage to keep hold of him. 


  • FormerMember

    What a fantastic story and I’m amazed at your energy!  Our cat would just sit and watch it.  Lazy madam she is


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Lass

    This story made both myself and hubby have a chuckle. Our cats saw mice for the first time last summer as we seem to keep getting them trying to live in our garage and being destructive with the camping gear or whatever else they can get at. We open the garage the cats go in and get so excited with the smell of them that we then know they are back.

    We always ought ours couldn't catch a paper bag as we have watched them try and catch insects and fail let alone anything else so last year my son got a shock when Zeus caught one of the mice. He then had fun walking up the garden by letting said mouse go, play with it catch and move along the garden with said mouse in his mouth. Zeus did this a couple of times whilst some tried to stop him but this eventually failed when son was traumatised when he heard the cat go crunch.

    I loved your description of them starting their engines on you and being a furry dervish. You were very awake after the mouse as I couldn't have used such description.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you for sharing this not just on Facebook, but here as well. Your story is so well written with the details and "blow by blow" action that put the reader right in the midst. Love it.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That was an action packed night! One of my cats is forever bringing in mice. I usually just find the wobbly green bit she refuses to eat as the only evidence of her night time hunts but sometimes she lets them get away snd the three of us - me, mouse and cat - fight it out. If I get the mouse first I pick it up by the tail giving me a free hand to open the kitchen door so I can release it. My sister puts down a cereal box with a corner torn off. The mouse takes refuge in the box and then she simply picks up the box. But your way sounds more entertaining. 
