Travel insurance

  • 16 replies
  • 43 subscribers

For better or for worse we're planning a pre-scan family holiday in early April to the Costa del sol, days after the proposed brexit date. Considering travel insurance is already a ballache for many of us here, I'm supposing it may be even more difficult this time round. Has anyone had any success recently and with which insurers? 

Thanks in advance. 

I don't mind forgoing the medical side of things and flying by the seat of my pants if I need to but my wife is slightly more conservative about it so would be good to at least get a quote or two. I've used boots before  ut they've just given me a scary looking WE CAMT INSURE YOU message and booted me out their site. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi  Grahame

    My husband 63 had a glioblastoma removed in December. He has done really well and has finished his radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He is on a break before 6 months more of chemotherapy. I am trying to take us away for a week in Malta and I am finding blocks at the two questions, terminal and have they got all the tumour!!!! Yes, and obviously no, sadly. Have you or anyone else had any success anywhere?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just to follow up on this thread, I arranged annual (nice and optimistic Relaxed) cover for myself and my family this morning through the recommended firm, euro tunnel. 

    The policy hinged on two main things. Firstly, it's a "fit to travel" policy - therefore in the event of a claim your consultant will have to confirm in writing that he declared you fit to travel before you left.

    Secondly, they asked a question "has anyone in your party ever been diagnosed with a terminal illness" and something about "the condition not being stable". Now this is a tricky question. I still have (a small number of) treatment options, noone has ever used the word 'terminal' to describe where I am. I asked the girl about this, and she said they considered that I'd you had been given a prognosis then you are terminal. Well, I've never been given a prognosis, although I know my time is limited. I don't know how this would work for those of us who are given 3+ years prognosis though. Also, on my last scan I was told I was stable. Anyway, given all of the above I felt it was OK (and honest) to answer no to that question. In a way it does sit a little uncomfortably with me, but I think I have given an honest answer. 

    95 notes for a family of four for annual cover. I do feel a bit like I've cheated in some way - I'll just need to cross my fingers nothing happens that will require me to make a claim. 

  • FormerMember

    my husband was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer last June, it has spread to 3 bones and lymph nodes so was already at stage 4 when we discovered it.  He has to have an implant every 3 months and had Chemo which ended last Nov and is currently termed as 'in remission'.  I read some of the comments about insurance on line and was a little worried about the cost and finding someone who would insure him but after 1 phone call to Boots we have insurance for our trip to Turkey for the grand total of £25.00!!  this includes cover for all existing conditions declared (in our case the Prostate Cancer).  I had tried getting quotes online as well but with no success, I think online is okay if you do not have such a complicated condition and although I spent 40 mins on the phone going through the extensive list of questions it was well worth it.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That's an excellent price! Boots have also bn my saviour 4 the last 3 years worth of hols. However, I never get such a low figure.....

    This year I'm paying £482 4 myself & daughter 4 a cruise around the Greek Isles (less than 3 weeks 2 go). A high figure but I'm more of a risk having had a 2 week stay in hospital with Sepsis last summer & still being on chemo (although I'm having a break from it so I'm fit & hearty) Cruises always have an extra cost.

    Enjoy ur trip 2 Turkey Woods56. I have my final cycle of chemo b4 hols this Fri.

    Holidays holidays holidays - yippee!!! Can u tell I'm excited now Haha

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh WB that sounds fantastic.  Hope you have a great time. I'm off to Mallorca on Sunday and paid the princely sum of £215 for my insurance. 

  • Hi All, Our annual insurance with Eurotunnel runs out on the 16th May but my husband turned 70 last November so that is the last time they will give him annual insurance. Some companies will give you it until you are 75, so we are going to check them out.

    My sister is a travel agent (which is how we get away often but the insurance company she told us to ring quoted him £95 for a single trip. When it came to me, and on top of incurable cancer, I have a knee replacement due to osteoarthritis, a pin in my arm from shoulder to elbow (caused by a tumour) plus diverticulitis and cirrhosis of the liver (side effects of the cancer treatment). However this time I have also to add I had spinal decompression surgery and they also scraped away extra bone and inserted a metal bracket to hold the vertebrae in place. This was caused by the drug accelerating the arthritis, weakening the spine and two discs moved out of place. The surgeon thought if he put them back, they would stabilise, but they didn't, hence the bracket. ( get your lucky white Heather here! LOL!!!   I only had the surgery at the end of March so still early days!

    The company my sister told me about was quoting over a thousand pounds per trip and won't insure me for a cruise at all. That was after 45 minutes on the phone!  I will phone Eurotunnel first, then Boots,, then Staysure. One of the specialist cancer insurers quoted me £9,000 ( no there is not a typing error) for our usual 3 weeks in Spain in February! So I will stay away from them!

    What do you think my chances are people? My best before date has come and gone WB! Maybe as you say we are too honest but I think it's like insuring a car fully comprehensive then not having an up to date M.O.T. If anything happens, you've had it!

    Happy Holidays to everyone going away soon!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!