Epsom salt during chemo

  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi. Im new to the group so apologies if discussion already exists. Im a 41 yr old female recently diagnosised with NET stomach cancer which has spread to the liver. Ive just started an oral chemo drug and wondering if anyone every uses epsom salts which on chemo? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dinger

    I just wanted to give you a very warm welcome.

    I've had chemo but I have never heard of Epsom salts being used but others may come on this thread soon and say quite differently. What do you use them for?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Flamingo

    I have read that epsom salts are good for de-toxic and also for pain and constipation.  I know people have used them after having chemo but not sure if people use them during.

    You put them in the bath and soak.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well, I certainly suffered from constipation and dry skin was a big problem, too so it sounds like a good idea to me. Worth a try anyway.

    love flamingo

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Dinger

    I always put Epsom Salts in my bath as it helps me to relax. Must be the magnesium! I do find it soothing too for my various aches and pains especially when on chemo .... as I am now. I tend to eat more prunes when constipated as it works for me.


  • Hi Dinger123  Hi and welcome! Although I'm not on chemo but get terrible constipation. I take prunes every morning with my breakfast.   I had a lovely elderly aunt who took Epsom Salts every day. She swore (not literally) it helped with everything, them and disprin, sorted out any ills, in her mind! She lived until 85 and hadn't been in hospital in her life! So they obviously did something. I've never heard of putting them in a bath but if it works ...why not! I wonder if you have asked your oncologist for a mild laxative, it might be all you will need! Good luck! Love Annette X 

    Love Annette x

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