Tissue Expander - Japan

  • 3 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Hi all, I had a mastectomy June 4th and a tissue expander inserted as to prepare my body for an implant further down the line. 

The plan is that they will inject saline once every two weeks to stretch the skin.

After my first (and only) saline injection, I developed an infection and was in a lot of pain (a story for another post) and was on antibiotics.

in a follow up appointment they said the infection was getting better but I had a build up of fluid and they  (the team of plastic surgeons at the hospital) decided to puncture it and drain the fluid, they packed it and I've been back a few times since.

Now they say the infection if clearing up but there is bump under the incision which wasn't there before and they explained this is the tissue expander which is now directly under my skin, there is a worry that the tissue expander may become exposed, in which case they would have to remove the expander. 

I'm worried about the chance of the tissue expander coming outside of the skin. I will go back to the hospital next week, for now they have just covered it with a padded sticker.

Does anyone have a similar experience? or really any experience with tissue expanders...


  • Hello Pichan

    I am sorry but I can not offer any advice regarding the tissue expander as I had a different type of cancer- but by replying to your post it should bump it back to the top. Hopefully then it will be seen by someone with more experience who can offer support. 

    I am sorry to hear of your mastectomy on June 4th and that the tissue expander has caused an infection. It must have been difficult after going through the surgery. I hope that your appointment next week will bring some answers and that the infection completely heals.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane,

    The infection seems to have cleared but right now I do feel a sharpish bump under the foam plaster so I am really concerned that the tissue expander has become exposed due to my skin being too thin, I guess I will have to wait to find out for certain. 

  • Am glad that the infection has cleared and I wonder whether the bump just needs a bit more time to settle. 

    I see you have an appointment next week and am sure it will all be checked. in the meantime if you are worried you could perhaps get it checked by your practice nurse at GP surgery ?



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm