Mum living in Spain diagnosed with Lung Cancer

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Hello my mum has recently been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. She lives in Spain and i came out to visit her 2 weeks ago. I noticed her health was deteriorating and she was diagnosed with lung cancer. This is her second time getting lung cancer. First time in the left lung which the doctors successfully operated on in the UK. That was 12 years ago but now she has it in the right lung. She’s currently in hospital as her oxygen levels keep going down. I’m still in Spain with her and waiting to see the oncologist to find out what stage and if the cancer has spread. i’m just wondering if there are any support groups in Spain i can get in contact with. I don’t speak spanish so the language barrier is a bit of a challenge. My mum lives in Murcia. Any advice i can get would be great.. I’m feel a bit lost and scared at the moment.