Living in the Philippines

  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Hello, my dad has been given a mouth cancer diagnosis. He worked in the UK for 45 years but retired into the Philippines.

I will keep it brief on here but I wondered if there would be anyone he would be able to speak to, to help him. We know of the operation he will have to face which is incredibly daunting. I just really feel that he would benefit from talking to a nurse about the process worries he has.

Many thanks.

  • Hi

    I can understand why you feel that your dad would benefit from talking to one of the nurses here about his diagnosis. 

    There are nurses available on the Support Line every day from 8am to 8pm. As he'd be calling from outside the UK the number is +44 207 091 2230 and, unlike from calling from inside the UK, the call isn't free. Also the nurses wouldn't be able to advise on how the healthcare system works in the Philippines but they would be able to talk in general about his diagnosis.


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  • Thank you for your message. I’ve sent my dad the details. I really appreciate your time.