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I was wondering if anyone on here is living in Switzerland, and if so if they'd like to connect. 


  • Is your question still valid? I am living in Switzerland

  • Hello, I am now through the other side of my treatment with an ongoing positive result Slight smile .  Where in Switzerland are you?

  • What type of cancer and treatment? Where do you live? I am in Liestal.

  • Hi.  I live just outside of Luzern - I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer after a tumour was found in my large intestine at the beginning of 2020.    Apart from the tumour removal (with a large scar) and having a stoma for about a year (removal left another scar), I went through a course of FOLFOX chemo and some radiotherapy.  They were a bit concerned it might have got into my peritoneum, but they did some tests while they were poking around reversing my stoma which came back clear.  I've recently had my one year since stoma reversal bigger tests at the hospital (colonoscopy and ct scan as well as the normal blood tests I have been having every 3 months) all of which came back clear :-) .  I found it quite hard when I was going through the chemo and radiotherapy - the cycle of lows and highs wasn't good.   I've just read your "about" information - sounds like you've been having quite an ongoing saga.

  • Ja, it's quite a lot, but also with being now in immunotherapy quite ok.

    Just incurable and stage4, aggressive tumor. Doctors know my case now but there are not many information or statistics other than pretty bad.

    After the annus horribile 2021 I have to deal now with the more practical parts, like 100%IV, termination from work and how to deal with the coming farewell party. Well meant, I am sure, but..?

    My GP told me I should not delay anything. 

  • Sounds very difficult for you - I was impressed with the medical care, attention to detail and cross disciplinary care I received at the hospital - less so with my gp as I don’t think he really knew what was going on, I’d turn up for the odd blood test during chemo when my numbers were too low, but he didn’t have much else to do with my treatment (we called him Dr Nick, like from the Simpsons!). Sounds like you’re getting good treatment. Have you been referred to a psychotherapist?  Good luck with the farewell party - maybe you should rename it to something else so that it doesn’t have quite the same connotations? What do you do outside of all your medical stuff? I have two kids (12 and 10) and am currently a following spouse. I spend a lot of my free time sewing and knitting. 

  • I am glad to have access to various hospitals in the region and as you also experience cross disciplinary expertise. Fortunately my GP is onkologist by training and I have always a 2nd opinion. Sorry that your GP is such a low empath. Could you not just ger the blood tests at the hospital?

    I am single, no kids but have some good friends and very good contact to my sisters. Currently my bathroom gets a complete renovation. But it should be finished soon. Although exhausting it was a good project for me to keep me busy and interested in all kinds of details.

    My next project (after thorough cleaning) is my balcony. I am not very good at this but is gives me a lot of satisfaction to grow my own herbs etc. When I was still working I didn't have much time during the week but now that changes. I like cooking and love veggies and herbs.

    Admire all who are comperent with sewing and knitting. I am quite hopeless there, no talent at all. 

    Therefore I picked up photography again, bought a new camera and plan to go on "foto-safari". Well  I need all kind of excuses to motivate myself to exercise. I need to go for walks more often but hardly have the energy.

  • Hi, I've been away for the weekend at a family wedding back in the UK - so great to see everyone after so long (the wedding had been postponed because of covid restrictions).  Really pleased to hear you have some projects - I think it makes a real difference to feel that you're doing something productive as it's so easy to slip into the downwards spiral of feeling sorry for yourself - and that doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself.  Finding the energy though can be hard at times. 

  • Hi, good that you had some qualitytime with your family. It makes such a difference to hug real persons.

    My family is coming over Easter. I like that very much but now I need to prepare food and stuff. A bit stressful and my energy level is still low. Fortunately I have cleaning roboters