Making decisions

  • 13 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hi, thanks you for reading this. My husband is in early remission from bowel cancer. He had a scan in November and they were happy there was no evidance of it. I am of course delighted, but the battle scars from the time we had during treatment and surgery get triggered. How do you live with a good mindset moving forward? I am finding decision making hard as in the back of my head there is always the fear of it returning. I suffer from a lot of "what ifs" which is impacting life choices.

How do people navigate this? 

  • Kat, no need to apologise.

    It’s good to read that you have moved forward even by doing something like this is on the surface small but it’s all part of the building life and new focus…… enjoy the fun the new bundle of fur will bring.

    What ever comes along we have to face the bumps face on and deal with them.

    Its my 24th diagnosis anniversary today, 24 years ago there was no Dr Google and ai was given no information that said that zi had a rare blood cancer and it actually took an administrative error for me to find out….. but we will celebrate today with blood tests first then out for some breakfast Stuck out tongue winking eye

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Happy anniversary to you and your family and friends. You've had one amazing long journey Mike and to have gone through all that - Incredible. Congratulations ChampagneBouquetSunny️

  • Hi Kat55 and congratulations to you for getting a kitten, that sounds like a lovely idea.  The joy and happiness that caring for a newborn cat will I hope enable you all to have some glimpses into a positive future.

    Well done you, it's also a treat and we all need those when dealing with cancer. 

    Lucy x